I'm in a 'weeding' mood .....

19th June 2016 (Monday) .... 10.00    We have another ‘bright, sunny and warm’ morning, with just a smirr of wind so loads of ‘reflection’ photos to be got;
Elie from the end of the pier.
   that was at 07.30.    A breeze has got up in the last hour, so the ‘mirror look’ has gone.    I’ve been out on the bike .... down to the harbour then to the ‘Paper Shop’.    The harbour was busy;   Stewart was down there, also a family out on a motor boat, towing a water skier.... a busy place:  it’s the place to be at that time of morning.    I’m going to work in the garden today... there’s much that needs doing there;   and a ‘broon’ bucket to be filled!

20.30    It has been another ‘hot’ day;   the sky has clouded over in the past few hours, so it won’t be too hot overnight.   I’ve been busy in the garden most of today;  and the ‘broon’ bucket is three quarters full..... and, being as it was another good ‘drying day’
Elie Harbour.
I washed the bathroom/kitchen and lobby floors.   Of course I had to have I had a siesta during the hottest part of ‘the day’.... I used my ‘siesta’ time to watch the ‘News on the tele.    Hmmmm that was not inspiring....  the ‘News’ from London is depressing today:  a terrorist attack on a group of Muslim’s outside the Finsbury Mosque:   I cannot understand the ‘hate’ that seems to be ‘all over’ the Planet.    If only people would look around them and see all the beauty of  Mother Earth ....in  all ‘her’ glorious ‘colours’, and ‘love’ what they see;  including ‘loving’ the various skin colours of us humans!     Of course it isn’t as easy as that, there’s just too much ‘distrust’ around;   but, with proper political leadership and example, things could slowly improve. 

The weather is forecast to be considerably cooler than it has been for the past few
Early morning skier.
days;   just when I was getting into my ‘summer’ routine.    It is to be cloudier tomorrow, but it should be dry.   Wednesday is forecast to be ‘wet’.... with thunder being mentioned.  
Jimmy has an appointment at St Andrews tomorrow afternoon;  it’s my job to drive him up there in his car.    I’ll do more gardening in the morning.... assuming that it isn’t too cold!      I’ll get ‘up’ early and extend my bike run to include  the estate tomorrow morning, as I seem to be getting over this cold/cough at long last.

Photographs : Top – Elie from the end of the pier, Middle – Elie harbour, and Bottom – early morning skier!

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