Looking for bedroom TV buttons ....

18th June 2017 (Sunday) .... 09.30   We have a perfect ‘drying day’, and I am in a ‘working mood’, so I have stripped the bed, right down to the ‘bones’;   I’ve
Dunblane rose.
even washed that ‘thing’ that goes round the sides ... the valance.    Why am I doing all this?    Apart from changing the bed as per normal, I am looking for the bedroom TV buttons!     So far I haven’t found them;  however, if necessary I’ll order a new set from Amazon.   It’s not that I watch much ‘TV’ in bed, but I like watching railway DVD’s.... especially in the winter time.    I may not have found the ‘button’s but have come across 73p, and a drawer full of curtains.

It’s a gorgeous morning, and it could be another ‘hot’ day, though not as warm as yesterday, when 26c was the highest temperature in Ivy garden.

10.20 .... it’s already 20c in the garden (shade temperature), and the bedroom ‘tally’ has gone up to £1.73 .... plus  a pedometer, and two buttons;  unfortunately not tele buttons.    The pedometer needs a battery, but I use my phone as a as a tracker, so don’t need the pedometer.    It’s exciting stripping the bed to the bones!     I can’t make the bed up until the valance is dry (I haven’t found a drawer full of valances). .... which won’t take long;   yep it’s time for a cuppa... as it’s too late to go to the kirk.    To be
Golden Wedding rose.
honest I didn’t even realise it was Sunday until now!

20.30     Wellll .... this has been a braw day;  both for weather (bright, sunny and hot) and for work done by ‘The Boy’.   The bed, and the room has been well ‘spring cleaned’ in an effort to find the tele ‘buttons’ but they must be in a ‘secret place’.... Ivy is full of ‘secret places’:   all I have to do is find the one with the ‘buttons’ in it!    All the washing(s)... I did three ... have dried.   In fact I could have made the bed with the same bed linen that I took off.... it has been that good a drying day.    Of course with me doing all this ‘work’ I haven’t been anywhere;   but I have enjoyed myself.    Oh .... it is officially ‘summer’ .... my downie  has been changed to 9 tog;   I’ll probably have to increase it to 14 on Thursday when we start the downhill slide towards autumn and winter!
Peony rose bud ... with ant.

The temperature reached 25c in Ivy garden this afternoon ....  it was cooler in Ivy.   I’m not that keen on walking when it’s hot:  it’s cooler biking.    The weather forecast is for it to begin to turn cooler from tomorrow;   and, with it being the summer Solstice on Wednesday morning,  maybe the cools spell is the start of Autumn!

Photographs : Top – ‘Dunblane’ rose, Middle – Golden Wedding rose, and bottom Peony rose bud ... with ant!

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