Interesting UK General Election result .....

9th June 2017 (Friday) .... Oh dear .... there’s a heap of greyness coming over from the West...  I’d better get down to the beach for a quick walk before it, the rain, arrives.    We had an exciting result in our General Election.... Theresa went for
Earlsferry this morning.
an election because she thought she’d have a landslide victory, and ends up with a hung Parliament,.... “Indyref2” has been ‘kicked into touch’ .... and Stephen Gethins kept the Fife North East seat by two votes .... the narrowest margin in the UK.
  I’m orf to the beach for a daunder before it starts to rain.

20.00    The weather has been a real mixture today;   we’ve had spells of rain, spells of sunshine, and showers.   The best part of ‘the day’ as far as the weather went was late afternoon evening time.    I did go up to the ‘Pony Field’, and golf course, a couple of times, but, both times I had to hurry back to Ivy before rain came over.   The ‘Pony Field’ is a good vantage point, from which you can the weather coming across the Lomond Hills etc.

Unsurprisingly today’s ‘News’ has been about the General Election, and the unexpected result.    The bit that means that I’ll sleep well tonight is that “Indyref2” will have to be ‘moored up’.... and hopefully for a long time.   I don’t know why the SNP don’t settle for what they are really good at.... “speaking up for Scotland”;   let’s put the “Great” back into Great Britain, via a strong, really devolved Scotland in the
Looking Southeast from the Pony Field road.
United Kingdom.    As for the Conservatives going into agreement with the DUP?.... I have a feeling that will come with a very heavy price tag.   That’s the General Election sorted.... until the next one.

With the weather being dreich in the morning, Jimmy and I went to Sainsbury’s for a cuppa in the Cafe.   Growing old(er) is actually quite an interesting experience:   we sat in the Cafe watching customers of varied ages, and fitness, passing to and fro.   Sitting down we felt that we compared favourably with the fittest among them!    When we stood up, and our own sair knees and hips etc cracked into action, we must have made a lot of folks feel good as they watched us scurry hirple towards the lift!   Of course we couldn’t go to Leven without doing a wee ‘shopping’ .... both in Sainsbury’s and the ‘Cheap Shop’.     I wonder how Brexit will affect the likes
Earlsferry Links.
of Lidl and Aldi in the UK?  

The weather forecast for tomorrow is not “iggzactly” inspiring;  mixed up a bit like today’s was, cloudy early with wet bits, and ending with another bonnie evening.

Photographs : Top – early morning before the rain, Middle and Bottom – the afternoon, in between showers.

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