Feeling energetic ....

20th June 2017 (Tuesday) ....   This morning I spent nearly an hour at Chapel Green (Earlsferry) watching the light changing the ‘look’ of the villages;  I
KIncraig cliffs this morning.
think this might be my new hobby!   It is fascinating watching it happen.... it's like watching time lapse film;   very relaxing.     I didn’t have a flask of coffee with me or I’d have been ‘sat sittin’ there longer.   

We have lovely morning here albeit cooler because the wind (light) is from the Northeast... and it’s cloudier.    My ‘plan’ is to do some weeding/pruning.... it’s a good day for working... not too hot!

13.30    Oh my word .... my delicate hands are ‘rough’, workaday looking, with all the weeding;   also the ‘broon’ bucket is at its limit, and....  it doesn’t get emptied for another 10 days.    Stress? .... it’s a good job I’ve found a ‘new’ hobby to help me unwind!   Oh .... the wind is more from the East now, and the air is noticeably cooler.... it’s only 15c in Ivy garden;  that said, it is a bonnie day with some decent spells of sunshine.

St Monans.
20.30    Although cooler, it has been a lovely day, and I did a prodigious amount of weeding.    I haven’t really done a ‘prodigious’ amount of weeding;   I just wanted to use the word ‘prodigious’ .... that said, I did manage to get the ‘broon’ bucket up to the limit for weeds... leaving enough space for the next 10 days of kitchen waste.
Jimmy’s appointment at St Andrews was cancelled at, literally, the ‘last minute’;  the phone rang as he was going out to the car!    Being as Jimmy was ‘fired up’ to go somewhere we went to St Monans harbour, Pittenweem harbour (where we had an ice cream cone), down to Anstruther harbour (but didn’t stop)... then along to Crail harbour... where we did stop.

It is a bonnie evening ... only the East wind is spoiling it.    The weather is forecast to
Mid Shore, Pittenweem.
be ‘wet’ at times tomorrow, so I’ll be doing ‘ousewifely things;  unless I am overtaken by weakness.  I’m actually contemplating dusting the bookshelves;   this can turn into a lengthy mission .... I browse the occasional book.

Photographs : Top – Kincraig this morning, Middle – the top of Reekie’s (boat-builders)  slipway, and Bottom – Mid Shore, Pittenweem, from the seat outside Nicholson’s ice cream shop.

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