Bright, and very breezy morning ....

25th June 2017 (Sunday) ... 10.00    We have another ‘bright and very breezy’ morning, with the chance of showers later..... it's a good  'drying' day.    I have
Earlsferry from the harbour.
been doing some gardening,  and general tidying up around Ivy.   

Today’s ‘News’ is all about the Camden flats being evacuated;   it must have been horrible for the people to be woken up in the middle of the night and told that you had to pack a few things, and leave your home.    I can understand why the Council had to do it;  as soon as the Fire Service declared the flats unsafe any insurance would most likely be nullified.     It is a catastrophic state of affairs.

20.30   I was about to go down to the beach at 20.00, when a blustery shower came over so that was the end of that ‘plan’;  it was the only shower we’ve had, on what has been a windy, mostly ‘bright and sunny’ day.   I should get down to the beach later, because the shower has moved away and the sun is out again.

Not many people can  do that ... sleep 'stood staunin' up.
This has been a productive kind of day for me, though not very ‘active’ in the way of exercise.   Jimmy came along for a morning ‘fly cup’ at Ivy then we went down to the Sailing Club for a cuppa at ‘Lorraine’s Place’.... with Lorraine and Stewart.   The harbour area was quiet, but it was windy and none too warm at that time.   Steve came in which just as Jimmy and I were getting ready to leave;   but we stopped for a wee while to find out what has been happening in ‘Steve’s World’.    We found out that the former ‘Elie Fayre Day’ has been renamed ‘Elie on the Green’ and will ‘happen’ on the Toll Green (this explains the change of name)..... so not only has it been renamed it has been re-located.    ‘The Fayre Day’ was always at the harbour.     The ‘Toll Green’ is the
The 'Oak Garage'.
‘grassy bit’ with the main flag pole, in the middle of Elie.
Jimmy and I took a run up to see the 'Oak House'.... and found that the 'Oak garage' has been built too!

I fancied, and made, ‘macaroni cheese’ for dinner today, and made enough to freeze four individual portions.    I’ve done ‘nae bad’ at producing ‘ready meals’ over the past couple of weeks.    Tomorrow I must get ‘up and out’ early;  the weather forecast for tomorrow is much the same as today, but the wind is going to go round to the East, by Tuesday.    Not good.

Photographs : Top – Oh dear ... Stewart has fallen asleep at an important HT meeting, Middle and Bottom – the ‘Oak Garage’.

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