Dreich November morning ....

17th November 2016 (Thursday) .... 08.45    Oh dear .... it’s wet, windy, and cold this morning, ... proper November weather really.    Towards the East, blue holes appear in the general greyness now and again, so we might end up with brighter, and drier, weather by lunch time:   my only venture outside has been as far as the back
Elie Harbour beach this morning.
door to feed “Blob”!   There’s an ironing to do... this is the perfect day for that kind of ‘job’.    Before that I’ll have a cuppa, then go for a run round the villages in the car.

21.30    Although the rain went away, to annoy someone else, we never had much in the way of ‘sunny spells’.... but it did turn colder.    The Lomond Hills have a light covering of snow;  they are, more or less in the middle of Fife, and are the first to wear the ‘winter look’.    Maggie and I used to climb them regularly .... in the summer months.

When Jimmy arrived thus morning we decided to go to Leven;   Jimmy wanted some messages;   and a change of scenery.    Not there is was much in the way of ‘scenery’ around this morning, but it did get us ‘out’ .... and it passed the morning.    I bought toothpaste.... and Yorkshire tea:   at a considerably lower price than I would have had to pay in Sainsbury’s.    However, I have an especial attraction in Sainsbury’s;   the lassie with the glossy black hair.... and the Cafe ... and the self service checkouts, so
Interesting sky over the Firth of Forth.
Sainsbury’s will always be the ‘main’ destination for my shopping expeditions.   But is not where I’ll buy my toothpaste, nor the Yorkshire tea.

We had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon, which, after a slow start, became quite busy , and noisy:  very enjoyable.    As per usual after the ‘Cafe’, Jimmy and I went down to the harbour:  I wandered around with the camera .... Jimmy stayed in his car, out of the cold wind.   The late afternoon ‘light’ was ‘bonnie’ .... in a cauld November like way.

The ‘postie’ delivered my annual ‘insurance’ cover for the boiler today;   I am not pleased by this;  but it has to be done.   What do I get for my £238?    A thirty minutes service once a year, and someone to fix the boiler (and only the actual boiler ... not the peripherals) if it goes wrong.   I suppose it’s ‘peace of mind’ .... nearly... or would be if 
Elie Harbour at high tide time this afternoon.
if it wasn't such a 'rip-off'!  

The weather is predicted to be ‘sunnier and cold’, and not so windy, tomorrow;   a good drying day I’m thinking.    I don’t have any ‘plans’ for tomorrow, though I shall make a point of going out for a walk in the sun.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour beach this morning, Middle – interesting,  busy sky, over the Firth, and Bottom – Elie Harbour at High Tide this afternoon.

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