Bright but windy and cold .....

6th November 2016 (Sunday) .... 09.00    After a wet night the clouds are moving away southward, leaving us a with a bright, but cold and windy morning.... in
Elie this morning
fact it feels very cold!      Having said that, I haven’t been further than the back door... where I gave “Blob” his breakfast .... but that was far enough for even me to surmise that it was cold;    I was only wearing PJ’s at the time.    Since then I have managed to shower, cover myself in some warm clothes, and have breakfast:  now I’m ready to tackle anything.    I might even venture out!

21.30     When I did eventually venture go ‘out’ it was in the car to go up for a paper.    By the time I left the ‘Paper Shop’ I was feeling quite ‘brave’ so went down to the harbour and had a walk out on the pier.    From this vantage point I spotted a man out walking his dog ... wearing shorts!     No ... that doesn’t look right:  The dog wasn’t wearing the shorts ... the man was!   That’s better!    Now where was I? .... oh yes ... there’s a man walking
Jim - studying 'kirk stuff'.
about on the beach wearing shorts, and me, ‘stood staunin’ on the pier, looking like a grizzly bear about to go into hibernation;    I now felt slightly overdressed.    Trying to look inconspicuous I sloped back to Sooper Buggy and went up to the Kirk Hall to join Myra and Jim who were in charge of the exhibition today.  
 This is the last day of said ‘exhibition’ in Elie... it now moves to Kinneuchar Kirk where it can be visited on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November between 10.00 and 16.00.... the finally onto Colinsburgh Town Hall on Saturday 12th, from 10.00 – 16.00, and Sunday 13th November from 12.30 – 15.30.    Attendance has been ‘disappointing when you consider that this is a chance to drag the kirk ‘screamin’ and kickin’ into this century:   from where?.... from where it has  been ‘wedged’ for the last 2 centuries.    
I read that Frank Field, a Labour Politician reckons the pensioners have been benefiting too much from the Governmental purse.   Well I have news for a person whose pension is fire-walled....  and paid for by us mugs:   it is hard making ends meet
Earlsferry sunset
on the State pension;  which, I’d better remind “FF”, is not a benefit;  we worked, and paid for it, in my, and most cases over a period of at least 50 years!   I enjoyed writing that... and I’ll sleep well tonight!

Photographs : Top – this morning... you can see just the guy wearing the shorts, Middle – Jim researching ‘stuff’, and Bottom – sunset at Earlsferry.’ into this century:   from where?.... from where it has  been ‘wedged’ for the last 2 centuries.  

Photographs : Top – this morning... you can see just the guy wearing the shorts, Middle – Jim researching ‘stuff’, and Bottom – sunset at Earlsferry.

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