Busy sky .....

27th November 2016 (Sunday) .... 09.30    It’s a ‘drying day’... so I have a washing going through.      When I think of it .... I’m beginning to   understand how
Busy sky over the Firth of Forth .... and The Royal Burgh!
Maggie thought.    She did all the ‘housewifely’ thinking and planning;   I went out to work, clueless as to the planning it took to stay ‘alive’ etc.   Now I know how important a good ‘drying day’ is!

We do have a ‘bright and sunny’ morning, though cool in the Northerly wind ... a good drying in point of fact.    I went down to the beach to watch the sun rise.... but gave up on that after I realised that the cloud bank it was trying to ‘rise’ over, was rising faster than the sun!    It was, as ever, bonnie and peaceful looking:   however, the sky was ‘busy’ with aeroplanes leaving jet trails all over the place, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed our sky so ‘busy’.    I’ve seen the sky over Sussex loaded with jet trails... but you expect that  with so many busy airports in the South east. 

Earlsferry beach  before sunrise
  20.30    My good ‘drying day’ didn’t last long;  the wind dropped.    However the washing is dry enough to iron, or will be by the time I get round to ironing it.  
It has been a ‘mixed up kind of day for me.    Jimmy arrived for his morning cuppa, and we ended up going to Leven, this time to a different ‘bargain shop... “B and M” I think it’s called     The ‘shop’ is massive, and the prices are good, as is the variety of branded goods in the store;  this combination meant that the shop was busy, even at midday, which is when we were there.   I bought, at great expense, a gallon small bottle of “Brut”, ( high in pheromones apparently) aftershave.   Moths use pheromones to attract the opposite sex:    perhaps I should have bought a canister of insect repellent too!

One of the times I was out feeding “Blob” ... and “The Enemy”... I decided that I should turn ‘Sooper Buggy’ so that ‘she’ was ‘moored up’ facing in the right direction.    I did this by way of Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar... stopping to take a
Kinneuchar from Balbuthie road
few photos on the way.   Tomorrow is forecast to be brighter than today, with only a light breeze from the Northwest.   I mention this because ... when I was at Kinneuchar the light was not good for taking photographs.
Photographs : Top – Airliner trails over the Firth, Middle – Earlsferry beach 20 minutes before sunrise, and Bottom – Kinneuchar from the Balbuthie road.

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