Gary and the Lawrie Family Tree ....

15th November 2016 (Tuesday) .... 08.00    With hindsight I could have caught the ‘super moon’ as it set this morning (07.00), because we have a lovely clear
Gary in front of East Lodge Balcarres.
start to what looks like being a ‘bright and sunny’ day.    The moon will still be ‘big’ tonight so I’m looking for a clear evening. 

 I haven’t been down to the beach yet .... but I’ll pop down there after breakfast.    Gary is planning to arrive about 10.00, .... plenty of time for a short daunder.

22.30     Today has been one of those interesting, and educational, days;   thanks to Gary who has updated me with all the latest ‘Lawrie Family Tree’ information.... including updates from Patty, who has researched, our American part of the family.   I must be one of the least interesting members of the ‘Tree’, because some of our ancestors have led really
Gary at Balcarres Crag tower
interesting, and active, lives.    Gary also brought over a gift from Patty, a framed collage, with all the names that have helped to make our branch of the “Lawrie family”.    Gary is meticulous in his research, following every ‘lead’ available to genealogists to achieve his results.    Of course so many ‘threads’ come into a ‘Family Tree’ that it could be nigh on ‘unending’:   which is what Gary (UK) and Patty (USA) have both found out, .... and why genealogy is so interesting.
Our first ‘mission’ this morning was to go up to Balcarres Estate, to let Gary see the two houses the family lived in when we worked on the Estate.    From East Lodge, the ‘Crag’ looked inviting, and, as it was a glorious day, we went up (it’s an easy climb following the path);  and were rewarded for our efforts, by the unforgettable view from the top.    On the way home we went to Harbour House for a coffee, then back to Ivy where Gary ‘updated’ me re our ‘Tree’, and picked my brain re my knowledge of the more recent
The 'super moon' from Ivy garden
members of our Family.    A really interesting day:  “Good Luck” with your new venture Gary;  you certainly deserve to be successful.

After today anything I do tomorrow will probably appear unexciting;  that said I intend enjoying ‘tomorrow’ .... ‘tomorrow’ is forecast to be bright and sunny with showers, windy and colder.    Oh ... I did get a photograph of the ‘super moon’ tonight:   unfortunately there was a layer of thin cloud which acted as a filter, but I’m happy enough with the result.

Photographs : Top –Gary with East Lodge in background,  Next – Gary at the Balcarres Crag ‘folly’, Next – the moon from Ivy garden, and Bottom – another picture
The Kaikoura Road New Zealand.
of the Kaikoura road in New Zealand..... the road is under that lot.  (Photo courtesy NZ Defence Force)

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