Early Sainsbury's shopping ....

10th November 2016 (Thursday) ....10.00     and we have beautiful morning at the ‘Centre of the Universe’ .... ‘bright sunny and cold’;   a perfect morning for getting things done.   I scampered along to Leven to do some shopping at
Early morning jogger enjoying the beach.
Sainsbury’s:  Iain is coming down from Auchnagatt, at the weekend, so I thought I’d better top up with ‘food and goodies’.     The roads were busier than I thought they’d be then I realised that the car clock was at ‘Ivy’ time.     I’d been down on the beach earlier and lost track of time:  I’m made for ‘tidying up and organising’.   Orf to put the kettle ‘on’ .... Jimmy will be moored up on “Alice’s Seat”  by now. 

21.30    This has been a fruitful day for me;   I did buy a lot of fruit in Sainsbury’s but it’s not that kind of ‘fruitful’ I am referring to.   No ...  I have been a busy boy, and managed to get some things done, one of which was washing the ‘bloo’ bucket with disinfectant.   It had been smelling ‘foostie’ (fusty) for some strange reason.    Anyway getting that done gave me much satisfaction;  I’m easily pleased.     I also did some ironing, and managed to entertain Jimmy a couple of times.   Of course we had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon, it always guarantees to be a nice ‘break’ for tea and chat.    As is our usual habit after the ‘cafe’, Jimmy and I went down to the harbour.    It was late afternoon by this time and the ‘light’ was gorgeous.    The ‘light’ may have been ‘gorgeous’ but the temperature was not.... however, it was well worth getting cold hands, to get the photos I saw all around me.    Wherever I go now I look at  everything, and everybody, through an imaginary camera view finder;   I see ‘my’
Elie in late afternoon sunlight
world as a series of rectangles!    How boring is that!    Having said that, it keeps me ‘happy’ and I enjoy myself with the camera:   the ‘Centre of The Universe’ consists of a multitude of bonnie ‘rectangles’ I can tell you.

Jimmy and I have to go to Leven tomorrow morning;   his car got covered in bird droppings where he was ‘moored up’ when visiting the ‘Drop in Cafe’ this afternoon.     A visit to the Car Wash is required.    He also wants to get some shopping when in Leven.

As I said earlier, Iain is coming down tomorrow evening, he’s working in the Edinburgh Office over the weekend, and will get my laptop updated.   It was frustrating at first, doing everything on it in slow motion.   The ‘mouse’ freezes until the laptop has finished doing whatever has been ‘requested’, and then freezes again after the next ‘click’.    Now that I’m used to it I find it almost ‘relaxing’.    I work on the main computer and ‘do’ the laptop ‘clicking’ in between times.   I need the laptop for e-mails ... that can take a l-o-n-g time, ... it goes to ‘sleep’ now and again.
Black butterfly ... Photographed in Spain by Jim.

Photographs : Top – this is what our beach is about .... doing your ‘own thing’..  Middle – Elie looking lovely in late afternoon sunshine, and Bottom –  Jim photographed this butterfly  when he, and Myra, visited a ‘butterfly house’ in Spain.    It is a Southern Hemisphere butterfly ... I know this because Jim told me that  all the butterflies in the ‘House’ came from the Southern Hemisphere.

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