Definite wintry feel to the air ....

4th November 2016 (Friday) ....  we have the coldest morning so far this autumn ... 3c in Ivy garden, and it feels much colder down on the beach!    That said
Sunrise from the ferry beach.
we have a lovely morning for, wrapping up, and going for a walk.... it is bright and sunny,....  cool, in the brisk North westerly breeze, admittedly, but worth it being out in the fresh, Elie and Earlsferry, air.    On the other hand .... I am beginning to think all the ‘wrong’ thoughts;   I have a washing in the machine because it’s the perfect drying day!    I’m even thinking of washing the floors, once the sun gets higher, and round to the back of Ivy.

21.00    It has been the ‘perfect’ day for getting all the jobs done that I mentioned above .... even the floors were washed, and they were dry within half an hour:  which was very handy as Jimmy arrived about two minutes later!    I am a happy ‘boy’.   
 After our morning Cuppa we went along to the “Way Forward Exhibition”... which is actually very interesting, showing all that goes on under the umbrella of the EKC church;  and there’s a  lot going on within the various Christian Groups within the church..   There’s a questionnaire to be filled in... that’s done by ticking boxes so
The beach at midday.
doesn’t take long.  There is tea/coffee and biscuits .... soup also, if you are there at lunch time.... for which you can leave a donation.   It’s well worth a visit to see how the Church is planning to “modernise”:   and, when the questionnaires are collated at the end of the Exhibition, the Church of Scotland will have an idea as to what we want ‘our’  ‘Church’ to be.     This is an interesting, and definitely much needed exercise.... but it needs input from loads of people, “non church goers” as well as “church goers”, to be really useful.    I had a pleasant daunder home via my ... er ‘our’ beach.

Realizing that the wind had died down to less than a smirr, I went down to the beach at sunset time;   it was like stepping into a dream;  a dream that I was sharing with a good number of other ‘dreamers’.    It wasn’t one of those stunning sunset times .... it
Sunset time over Elie Bay.
was,... wellll ... just absolutely beautiful in a quiet and subtle way!    Loved it.     An hour and a quarter later it was raining! 

The rain I mentioned has drifted off to annoy someone else, and tomorrow is forecast to much the same as today, only windier .... and therefore it will feel colder.    I might have a ‘lie in’ tomorrow morning;   haven’t had one for a while.

Photographs : Top – Sunrise time over Elie Bay, Middle – the beach at midday, and Bottom – Elie Bay at sunset time.

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