Oh my word .... it's cauld .....

30th June 2016 (Thursday) .... 09.30    Although cool, and rather cloudy, it is dry, and I’m going to hang out a washing;   so it isn’t going to rain!    I’ve been
'M' looking at the view
along to the ‘Paper Shop’, on the bike;   now the plan is to go to Leven;   ‘M’ wants to browse the Charity Shops for wool, .... I’ll see if I can find some Suzanne Gregory ‘books’.     We have the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon... this is the last one until September;   the start of the Autumn/Winter session.

22.30    All the above ‘shopping missions’ were accomplished;   plus a few extras from Bayne’s the Baker.... including “Soo’s lugs”.    We then went to Sainsbury’s for coffee where we met, and were joined, by Myra and Jim, who were also at Leven on a shopping trip.
We had the ‘Drop in Cafe’ this afternoon, .... rumour went round the village that we were going to have ‘goodies’, and ‘goodies’ we had:   strawberry tarts, cake, pancakes.... “Puku” has been well spoilt today.   The “Soo’s lugs” have been kept for tomorrow.... this is because we have to wean “Puku” orf the rich diet of rubbage ... er .. quality foods... very slowly.    This will all change when we get out on the bike on
....the view
Saturday!      ‘M’ and I went down to the harbour after the ‘Cafe’ (in the car) expecting Jimmy to be there but, as we were to find out later, he was ensconced in the Hutte at Ivy ... feeding ‘Blob’.     He, Jimmy, eventually arrived at Ivy for a second time, to join us for a cuppa .... needing someone to talk to. 
On this night, one hundred years ago, British and French troops were getting ready  to attack along a 16 mile front to begin the “Somme Offensive”, which was to begin at 07.30 a.m on the 1st July.    This was going to be the first time that most of the British troops, volunteers for “Kitchener’s Army”, would go ‘over the top’.     For 19,240 it would also be the last time.     The British Army suffered 57,470 (including the 19,240 who died) casualties on that first day, the worst in the history of the British Army.   The Somme Offensive lasted for 141 days, ‘ending’(?), because of onset of winter, on the 18th November.
Jim and Jimmy
     The ‘Battle’, which cost so many lives on both sides of the lines, is credited with weakening the German Army, ....  helping to bring about the Armistice that followed two years later.   

Photographs : Top – ‘M’ looking at the view, Middle – the ‘view’ and Bottom – Jim and Jimmy at the ‘Drop in Cafe’.

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