'M's birthday .....

22nd June 2016 (Wednesday)  ... 08.30    “Happy Birthday to ‘M’.... happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!     ‘M’ will be 2,430,000,000 seconds old sometime today!”    Now that is really auld!
We have a bonnie morning for pottering about, doing birthday things.    There are
Elie harbour
clouds around, which may grow into interesting shower clouds in the afternoon;   we won’t get the showers!   I hope.

I’d better get a move on ... I’m picking Margaret (birthday title) up from St Minnins in a wee while;   need to do the ‘ooverin’ and dustin’ thing.

23.59    This has been a busy busy day;   and the bike has still got a puncture.     ‘M’, Lexie and I went up, to Colinsburgh for the ‘lite lunch’;  which was considerably more than ‘lite’....soup and rhubarb crumble for me, ... soup, followed by  strawberries and ice cream for ‘M’.   After we got back to Ivy I had an attack of ‘the mauchless’... it was so hot!    ‘M’ was
covered in goose pimples because she thought it was cold!
Having recovered from ‘the mauchless’,  I was rarin’ to get down to the beach to get a photo, or two ... or more.    We sat on a seat and just enjoyed the ambiance before pottering down to the actual beach;  unfortunately the tide was in so there wisnae much in the way of a beach, but it was enjoyable nonetheless;   and it was busy.     Photos were taken, I had a relapse and ended up with ‘the mauchless’ for the second time today so we went back to Ivy for a cuppa.   
I didn’t have to concoct any food, because, as  today is ‘M’s birthday, we were going
M on the Ferry beach
along to the Upper Largo for dinner, with Joyce and Dave;   Joyce and ‘M’ have been friends since schooldays, which wisnae “iggzactly” yesterday.... oops, naughty boy. 

    We had a great time, plenty laughter, and loads of  good food.... including low calorie ‘sweet’ to finish.    We went back to Joyce and Dave’s for coffee.... well, I had coffee!!!!
This has been a long day and this tired bunny will be glad to get into bed with his book! 

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour, Middle  and Bottom -  ‘M’ down at the beach. 

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