Dull and wet morning .....

11th June 2016 (Saturday) ..... 09.00    I’m having a ‘bad hair day’....  it’s been raining overnight, .... if I had a cat I’d probably have tripped over it by now:   Not an encouraging start to the morning!    Oh ... and the wind is from the east!

 It’s not a bonnie looking day as far as the weather goes (the mirror isnae that bonnie either), and the weather forecast for tomorrow isn’t “iggzactly” encouraging.... grey and wet.    It looks like an ironing/computer sort of weekend;   that said, it isn’t actually raining at this moment in time so I’ll get the bike .... oh no I left it, the bike,
This morning at Earlsferry
out last night, so the seat will be wet ..... I’ll dry the seat, then get the bike out, and do a quick orbit of the village.   You wouldn’t think I’d be in a cavorting kind of mood .... but, somehow, I am.    

21.00     Well would you believe it .... the overnight rain was a blessing in disguise:   it got rid of all the pollen, and other kinds of stuff in the air, ....leaving the atmosphere clean.   I went right off the idea of biking and went for a walk instead, being able to ‘stride out’ (in between photograph stops), with zero allergy reactions.    It was raining,  lightly, all the time I was out, but it was pleasant enough.... though cold.
Jimmy arrived not long after I got back, for a cuppa;   he had been up to the turning point at Chapel Green (in the car), and had managed to walk as far as “Maggie’s Seat”;   which wasn’t bad on a cold morning like this, and he thought the effort was well worth a cuppa!    I had the “Trooping of the Colour” ‘on’ at the time so watched
The old fashioned look
that to the end.    I remember a Queen’s Birthday Parade, in Aldershot in 1958;   it was a bright sunny day, and Field Marshall Montgomery was going to take the salute.    When we got to the parade ground, the Sergeant handed my mate, Brian, and I, a yellow duster each, and were told to go along the lines of soldiers, ‘stood staunin’ there, and check their boots;   their highly polished boots.   After we’d done this,....  and there was a lot of them, soldiers i.e., each wearing two boots so it took a wee while ... we were told to disappear to the NAAFI!     And that was Brian and Albert’s, one and only “Queens Birthday Parade”.    We never saw ‘Monty’.
In the afternoon ... we’re back to the present day .... I went out for an exercise ‘run’ on the bike up through Elie estate.    It was windier, and therefore colder by this time... and still raining lightly, so it was a quick trip, with no diversions... oh yes there was... I
Elie this afternoon
caught up with two girls out for a walk, and had to use the bell on Maggie’s bike;  the first time on Elie estate.   
It’s cold and damp looking tonight, and the weather forecast for tomorrow is not good;   grey and wet mostly.    ‘M’ is going to the Crail Food Festival tomorrow with her sisters, so I’m hoping the forecasters have got it wrong.... actually they may have been going there today.    Not the forecasters... Margaret and her sisters!

Photographs : Top – the beach this morning (taken from the shelter of a beach hut), Middle – playing with Photoshop ... it was that kind of day, and Bottom – Elie Harbour this afternoon.

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