Bright and breezy morning ....

27th June 2016 (Monday) .....  08.30     We have a ‘bright and breezy’ start to the day, and it is forecast to be so for most of today.    I went out to the front gate at
Yep ....  the place to 'be' this morning!
04.00 (in my dressing gown)  but, although it was bright enough, it was very windy so I didn’t go out on the bike:   in fact I had a look at the News, then went back to bed, and eventually got myself ‘up and running’ at 06.30.

My ‘mission’ this morning is to take ‘Sooper Buggy’ along to St Monans;   then get the bus back to Elie.    I’ll then wander home via the beach, then do some work related stuff. 

   21.00     ‘Bright and breezy’ was the weather forecast... and ‘bright and breezy’ it has been;   a really bonnie day.   I had a nice walk along the beach .... a surprisingly busy beach, considering it’s Monday .... on my way home from delivering ‘Sooper Buggy’ to St Monans.    Back at Ivy I did some housework, got the boiler cupboard ready for the engineer to service the boiler tomorrow, ... and entertained Jimmy.    That took me up to ‘lite lunch’ time.    No wonder I am tired!
After lunch, I continued with the tidy up theme (‘M’ is coming along on Wednesday.... I’m going along to pick her up from St Monans) .... which explains the lovely aroma of furniture polish that is still lingering around Ivy ... as I type.    I think I might have overdone the polishing thing!      This all stopped when George phoned to say that
It's a hard life being a dog .... and 'me'.
Sooper Buggy was ready to be picked up.    ‘She’ had to get a new catalyser, which ‘thing’ has certainly quietened her down.   For the last three years or so, she has sounded like a ‘healthy’ Harley Davidson... now she sounds like a 49cc moped on Paracetemol.  
While waiting or the bus in Elie I ended up talking to a visitor sitting on Bert’s Seat at the Bus stop.    We talked about churches, having discovered, in the course of our conversation that this was a subject that we were both interested in.    Then;  his ‘Boss’ came along, and they poodled orf together.    I felt kind of sad, and jealous, watching them stroll along the street.    Moira appeared so we chatted for a while... until the bus turned up.    Sooper Buggy is back, in ‘The Ferry’, fuelled up and ready to roll.   The garage put air in her tyres ... what a difference that makes:  Note to ‘me’ -  must check the car tyres now and again.
Janet (skin and blister) phoned to tell me that ‘Dot’ had died in St Mar ... no, not St Margaret’s, it is now Earlsferry House,...  the other day.    I remember ‘Dot’ from when
Favourite seat on the Ferry Bents.
we lived at Crathes;  she was the daughter of our ‘next’ door neighbour;   and was coortin’ Jimmy, who became her husband when he finished his National Service.   Next door isn’t “iggzactly” next door when you live in the country, but you know what I mean.    We lived at ‘Myrebird’ Crathes from 1943 until 1947.    Janet and I are going to Dot’s funeral, .... on Tuesday 5th July.
Photographs : all three taken when walking home along the beach this mornin

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