Nice morning ... but cool

1st June 2016 (Wednesday) .... 08.30     It’s a beautiful morning, but it is breezy, and cooler;   there are also some clouds around, but they should disappear
Kincraig cliffs, Earlsferry
soon.      My ‘plan’ is to go to Leven to get my haircut, and do a wee ‘shopping’;   by the time I get back to Ivy it should be warm enough for me to do some work.     The garden is a colossal job this time round, but I am making inroads, albeit slowly.... and I am enjoying doing it.   I’ve been out on the bike for some exercise;  now it’s “Puku’s” turn:  To get some exercise i.e.    When I think of it, in 22 days it will be the Summer Solstice....  then it’s all downhill to winter;  or uphill to summer in the southern hemisphere.  

21.30    After another bonnie day there is one weary ‘boy’(?) going to be crawling orf to bed soon ... and I don’t know why, ‘cos I haven’t done much physically today.    One day I do some gardening .... and the next I am useless:  I’ve reached the conclusion that my muscles have ‘retired’!   
Elie estate
didn’t get my haircut this morning;  too may ladies wanting their hair done for holidays etc.    I’ll get my haircut  next Tuesday;   Tuesday is a quiet day for the Hairdresser.    However, I did manage to go for coffee in Stuart’s, followed by some shopping in Sainsbury’s.... and was back at Ivy in time for Jimmy’s morning cuppa in the Hutte.
My ‘work’ today has consisted of topping up the water tub, so the birds can get a drink without falling in, and preparing a chair for staining.     About 16.00 time, Jimmy arrived for an afternoon cuppa, so we sat in the Hutte, watching the birds, drinking tea.
With the weather being so bonnie I went out on the bike again in the early evening ....  up to Elie and through the Estate.    It was cold biking into the wind, and that was all
Elie estate -nearing  the boathouse viewpoint 
the way from ‘The Ferry’ to the South Lodge entrance to the Estate.    From there until I got back to Ivy the wind wasn’t noticeable.
We’re forecast to have another nice day tomorrow.... but probably cloudier;   and cold of course, due to the wind direction (ENE).    I’ll get out on the bike first thing, before doing some kind of ‘work’:   there are plenty of jobs needing done!
Photographs : Top – Kincraig cliffs in the morning, Middle and Bottom – Elie estate road this evening.

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