Buckhaven, West Wemyss, and Dysart harbours .... ......

19th June 2016 (Sunday) .... 11.00    Oh this is heat is awfie...we need the nice wet, cool days, of a normal Scottish summer!    I’m overwhelmed with unaccustomed hotness.     From that you will have deduced that we have  lovely, humid , abnormal
West Wemyss harbour
Scottish weather this morning;   however we do not need to despair .... there are high, thin clouds beginning to skin over the sky so I do believe we shall have relief, in the shape of lovely, heavy rain clouds, which will deposit, their desirable, cooling innards, on us later on today!    Yes we have a bonnie morning ... I’m going to do some work before the rain arrives!

20.30    My day started late ....I  overslept  by about 3 hours, and didn’t get activated until 08.50.    For some strange reason I managed to do the jobs I’d planned on doing, but only by skipping going to the kirk!     That was ‘naughty’ .... ‘cos it was a ‘coffee after the Service’ Sunday!    However I don’t feel too bad about this as I did get the ‘jobs done, and had a cuppa with Jimmy, who was feeling a bit stiff this morning.
In the afternoon I went out on the bike, and ended up at “No 10” (Jimmy’s residence).    Jimmy fancied going out for a run in the car so I moored up the bike in a more sheltered corner, and we set orf, heading for coastal harbours westward of Methil, though I inadvertently missed East Wemyss, but we did do Buckhaven, West Wemyss, and Dysart.    Buckhaven harbour no longer exists, although it once supported a thriving fishing community.     When the locality turned into a coal producing area, and the pits opened, Buckhaven harbour silted up with rubbish from the nearby Wellesley Colliery bing.    We went down to the ‘shore’ today, but I was not
Dysart Harbour slipway
impressed with how it has been redeveloped.    It’s not a ‘pretty’ shore line.   
 West Wemyss harbour has been partially  filled in, but at least there is still a ‘working’ harbour there, albeit a remnant of what it was.    One local fisherman I was talking too said it should never have been filled in but, apparently a local bairn had drowned in it and this ‘filling in’ was the answer.    Dysart, although a shadow of its former glory days, is still an interesting harbour to visit... and it has the Harbour master’s House coffee shop!   In 1943, Jimmy worked on an MTB that was up on Dysart slipway for repair;   Dysart had the only slipway that could handle a boat of that size.    In those days Jimmy remembers seeing the nuns working in the garden of the nearby Carmelite Monastery.   The monastery is still in use....   Jim and I recorded the Chapel there .... but the trees have grown up in the past 70 years so most of the garden is hidden from view.... and would be, even from the top of an MTB, if there was one on the slip!    The hand driven capstan that Jimmy, and the Miller’s men, used to haul the MTB up the slip has been removed, but we could see where it would have been.     We went for a much needed latte in the Cafe.
The rain came ‘on’ (and then some) as we left Dysart, but by the time we got back to
Buckhaven shore... East end.
Elie, it wasn’t nearly as ‘heavy’, so I was able to bike home relatively dry.
Although my ‘day’ began late I have been busy, and will go to bed muchly satisfied, and tired, tonight.    The rain is forecast to meander orf somewhere else by tomorrow morning so I’m looking forward to a nice, West wind, kind of day!    Did I write West wind?    Yes I did.... I’m fed up of East winds.

Photographs : Top – West Wemyss Harbour, Middle – Dysart Harbour slipway, and Bottom – Buckhaven ‘shore’ east end.     The West end is more interesting... that’s where the harbour used to be... so I must go back for a more serious bit of research.

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