Quiet morrrrrrrrrrning .....

8th April 2023 (Saturday)     09.00 ....The sun is burning back low cloud (we had

some spits and spots o’ light rain when I was out at the gate).... so no ‘wall to wall’ bloo sky;  but we should have  by mid morning.  That said we could have haar move in later;  haar can be a problem on the East coast.

I’m feeling well rested and (almost) ready to ‘rock ‘n roll’.   Emily, John and ‘JB’ are coming down (they are staying at ‘Forthview Campsite) to go swimming at 10.00:  the sky is already mostly ‘bloo’, unfortunately the breeze is coming off the North Sea so that will counteract the sun and keep the air cool.

After all the excitement and eventfulness of yesterday we are having a relaxing and restful day  today.  I hope to circle the villages on the bike, but the streets are busy and lined with cars so, though most of the car drivers are considerate, there’s always ‘one that owns the road’.... and is usually in a hurry.  

20.00    This has been another day of surprises;  unknown to me Janice had organised a birthday lunch for Michael (60) and me (85 ...er 58).    Michael came through and said “you’d better smarten yourself up... we’re going out for lunch and will be leaving in a wee while”.  At this time I was under the impression that we were going to ‘The Ship Inn’;  at this time I was also wondering how I could get Alice to join us, but also realised that it was too late.   Anyway, a wee while later, (and with me sort of smartened up), we went out to the car(s):  ‘JB’ driving my car with Emily, John taking Janice in their car.   I’m thinkin’ that the car parking at The Ship’ would be iffy; but just as I was about to say that ‘JB’ turned the car up the Ferry High Street.  I was ‘lost’.    Once we went on to Ferry Road and headed north I sussed out that we might be going to the Crusoe.   We were.    Having arrived early Michael decided we would go over to the ‘Railway Inn’ for a refreshment before lunch;  so we bumbled over the ‘Railway’ and sat down to enjoy, in my case, a Ginger Ale.  Suddenly I spotted a bloke coming in and I remember thinking... “Good God....that boy looks like Ian!”   I then spotted Jackie and realised that it was Ian.... and not only that, Hazel (granddaughter) was there too.   By this time I was in a state o’ shock;  however I calmed down once we got chatting.... and we then wandered back over

to ‘The Crusoe’ for lunch.   We were a happy and .... er slightly noisy ‘party’.... just enjoying being together again.  A sparkler, added to the birthday boys’ sweet dish completed the ‘party’ atmosphere.   Janice is good at organizing especial surprises and I should have thought about that when I knew she and Mike were coming up at Easter.  As always at one of Janice’s surprise parties, a good time was had by all; and Thank You’ Janice for being the surprise party specialist!  

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