Bonnie mornin'....

14th April 2023 (Friday)  ... oops .... ‘bin’ day (Green)  

08.00.... the  Green bin is now on the pavement and I now know it’s Friday, (not Thursday).   It’s a bonnie, quiet morrrrrning... but there’s a chilly air.... and I had planned

to go out on the bike but have postponed that until the air warms up.   It’s not going to be as warm  it should be at this time of year.... but it will be much warmer than it is now (4C).

13.15   After the sun got going the air was pleasantly warm so I went to Kinneuchar to do some measuring;   I was wrapped up against what I thought was going to be a cold breeze and ended up having to discard my jacket because I was swe ... too warm.   I now have all the measurements I need, with which, plus the Rev Sime’s drawings,  I will be able to draw a ground plan of the original kirk.   I’m a happy boy.

Back home I had a cuppa then decided to go out on the bike now that it was warm.  I’d taken the car to Kinneuchar because I had stuff to carry.  I set off for Chapel Green but Chapel Green Road was ‘busy’ so I decided to go to Chapel Green via Sea Tangle road: 

it too was busy with walkers so I decided to go up to the North Lodge (Elie Estate) and potter my way home that way.   I met Alan who was being taken for a walk by his new dog.... I forget the breed but it’s from a working background;  some kind of Fox terrier.   Bonnie dog....and it’s keeping Alan fit ‘cos he has to chase after her at regular intervals.  By this time I was in need of a ‘comfort break’ so I left Alan... and dog... and floored it until I got the South Lodge gate.  The road and street(s) were busy so I was glad to get back to Ivy.

16.30   The showers eventually reach us at 15.00 and with their arrival the temperature dropped, so it has been a cooler, occasionally damp afternoon.   I read a bit of my book  (The Pilgrim Way by Ian Bradley);  it’s fascinating read, and had I been fit I’d do that walk.   Actually I think I would have enjoyed being a pilgrim;  wandering from place to place.   I don’t think that’s how it was in those days; but being a modern pilgrim, with a digital camera, would be interesting.   Imagine the photographs you would collect on the ‘Way’.

19.30   We can look forward to ‘sunny intervals with a moderate breeze’ tomorrow;  and

I am looking forward to Alice coming along on the bus, and me getting my COVID booster jab in the afternoon.   This has been a busy(ish) day today, but it has ended with a migraine (weather) so it will be an early night in bed with the ‘Fife Pilgrim Way’... a subject that fits in nicely with my drawing project. 


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