Nice morrrrrrrning .....

6th April 2023 (Thursday)     08.00 .... Bonnie morning though light rain

showers are forecast for the afternoon:  in fact London, Uckfield and KY9 have the same weather forecast for today.... ‘light rain showers and a moderate breeze’; London and Uckfield to be a couple of degrees warmer than KY9.

17.30   It has been a nice day, and quite warm up until a couple of hours ago, when the temperature dropped.... and we had a light shower.   I found time togo out on the bike before lunch....I wanted to flatten the battery, something you have to do now and again.... so I circumnavigated the villages.   I met Ken on my travels, and a couple from Craigievar.   My Uncle Bob’ was the gamekeeper on Craigievar Estate (after the war and into the 50’s) and the Lawrie Family would holiday with ‘Uncle Bob and Auntie Janet’ with in the summer.   At that time Craigievar was the private home of the Forbes Family, who bought the castle and grounds in 1610, from the original owner and builder (started  building in 1575) Mortimer of Craigievar.  The Forbes Family lived in the castle, until they placed in the care of the National trust in the early 1960’s.  Talking to that couple brought back a lot of happy memories.

Michael and Janice have gone out for a walk....I’m sure they will find somewhere to shelter from any showers that come our way.    I’m hungry and  away to organise food, for when they arrive back at Ivy.

20.00    I’ve had a restful day... even managed to do a Daily Telegraph ‘Extreme’;  that means my brain cell isn’t tired.   The ‘Troops were caught out with an April shower when out for their walk;  luckily they managed to find shelter.... ‘The Buffet’.   I was asleep in The Hutte when the shower came over;  so didn’t have to find shelter.  

I was in loads o’ time for the surgery;  in fact I went to Woodhaven and got a few photos

of Elie Lighthouse.   Laurie (Nurse) has me doing my BP for a week... it was slightly higher than normal at the surgery.

Nae plan for tomorrow;  I’ve been feeling ‘mair like masel’ today and hope to be ‘back to ‘Albert normal’ soon.   I have to calm my BP down.

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