Lovely sunrise ....

8th October 2022 (Saturday)     09.15 ....We had a spectacular sunrise this

morrrrrrrrning;   not a good omen but awfie bonnie.   It was quiet on the beach, in fact I think the lassie from Turret Lodge and I were the only two on the beach at first.   There’s a cauld breeze from the NW so you have to wrap up well;  it will be warm once the sun is higher.  At long last I am feeling ‘almost bright eyed and bushy tailed’... another day and I’ll be back to normal.   I had hoped to go and see Alice this morning (before she goes on holiday) but I don’t want to give her this bug: it would spoil her holiday.   That said, it isn’t a particularly bad ‘cold’ just discomforting.

16.30    I’ve definitely been friskier today;  I did a wee bit o’ work and, as it has been a bonnie day, I’ve been to the beach twice.  Only to sit on a seat I hasten to add.... nae wanderin’ along the beach, or stuff like that.   The beach was busy;  right enough it was a lovely afternoon.... and we were all enjoying it.

20.00   The forecast for tomorrow isn’t exciting.... just when I’m ready to frolic.   ‘Strong winds and heavy rain’ is the forecast but it might be not too bad first thing.   It’s not going to be a biking day.   I have a number of ‘projects’ ongoing so I’ll pick up on one of them.   Actually I think the ‘Ferry Lodge’ building work is going to be starting soon, so, with that being topical, I’ll work on my drawing of the back of the houses (as they were in 1947) that were demolished.   Yes that’s the plan for next week when Alice is away on holiday.   With me havin’ this cold I haven’t seen her since Tuesday.... I was at the Friendship Lunch on Wednesday, and the cold kicked in on Thursday.

I’m going to see if I can find anything to watch on the tele for the remainder of the

'Jura' - Fisheries Protection vessel.

evening....there’s bound to be something interesting to watch.   I know the Michael Portillo and his ‘Bradshaw’s train journeys are on.   I’ve seen them all before but they are interesting.... and there’s always something you missed the first time round.

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