Cracker o' a sunrise ....

25th October 2022 (Tuesday)      09.30 .... We had a beautiful sunrise time

sky, on what is a quiet and warm (for the time of year) morning;  and I wasn’t surprised to find the beach busy of such bonnie day.  

I was ‘up’ early and did a washing out before going to the beach.... now I’m well ready for breakfast.   I’ll have a browse through the sunrise photos, then...... I think I might have morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee up at Chapel Green.

12.00    I enjoyed having morrrning coffee at Chapel Green; I also managed to add a few more photos to the batch I took at sunrise time.... so will have plenty to keep me occupied this evening.   I only sort out a few (photographs) for the ‘blog’ and FB when I first get back to Ivy.  

Is not the best of drying days.....the wind isn’t as fresh as I’d like it to be;  and I'm having to keep as eye on the clouds.... some of them are starting to look like ‘showers’.

19.30   I’ve been as excitable as a bag o’ ferrets today;  never really stopped pottering around.   The threatening clouds never turned to rain so I even did some gardening.... and the washing wasn’t quite dry when I took it in but it is ready to iron.   The towels I’ll hang out again tomorrow.... assuming the weather is suitable.

21.30     I have some typing to do tomorrow morning;  after doing that I might go out on the bike, if it isn’t too windy.  Mind you the wind will dry the towels. ....the weather forecast is ‘sunny intervals, with light showers and a fresh breeze’... hopefully the showers will be near enough to give us impressive clouds, but far enough away for any

descending contents to miss us.   Oh that’s me bein’ awfie selfish;  naughty boy.  I want the contents to drop intae the Firth!  That’s better.

I’m beginning to enjoy feeling ‘my normal’ again;  does this mean that I’m shaking off the COVID? .... I certainly hope so.  Thank goodness for the protection the vaccine gives.

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