Feeling excitable ....

17th October 2022 (Monday)     10.00 .... It’s all ‘appening at Ferry Road

this morning;  a fresh set of temporary traffic lights so that Scottish Power can replace a junction box ... on the pavement outside Ferry Lodge.   I imagine this will mean we’ll have ‘power cuts ‘;   mind you, we haven’t had any notification .....  so far.   Must ‘go’ slight flap on;  things could be happening outside.... and, more importantly, I switched the  kettle  ‘on’ half an hour ago....that’ll need to be fired up again!
I’m feeling frolicsome this morning.... and it’s a bonnie start to the day so I’ve been to the harbour on the bike (and forgot the paper);  strong winds with rain is forecast for later in the afternoon.   I might go out again.... after morrrrrning coffee.

18.00   I don’t know where to begin, Ferry Road has been a hive o’ activity all day:  the result of all this activity?.... two lovely holes (well worth a browse), and Balvonie without scaffolding.   There was so much ‘appening that I almost forgot to put the kettle on at morrrning coffee time.   The camera has been recording events and I have a load o’ photographs to play with over the next couple of hours.   Ferry Road is a ‘No Parking’ zone now so ‘sooper buggy’ is moored up at the Toon Hall.

'Permian Lady' - liquid gas tanker.

It has been a lovely day, albeit breezy but we knew that was coming.   It was the wind that made me cut short my ‘planned’ run up to Kinneuchar;  I might do that tomorrow.  I’m well ready for food now... and warm cuppa.  The kettle has been neglected today.


21.30    Heather, Ray and Alistair dropped in this evening;  we had a mug o’ coffee and a good old natter.... an enjoyable evening that passed too quickly.

According the weather lassie on BBC tonight tomorrow is going to be a bonnie day;  the wind is to moderate overnight and it is going to be ‘sunny with a light breeze’.... with the wind is veering towards the East in the afternoon.    My ‘plan’ is to go out in the morning

the charge up the bike battery then, hopefully go out again in the afternoon.    I have a wee bit of work I want to do so the afternoon bike run might not happen.   I’ve had an enjoyable day today, and will have the Ferry Road action to record.... so tomorrow could be a fairly busy day too.


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