Dreich morning ....
14th October 2022 (Friday) 08.00 ....Hmmmm .... it’s not a
morrrrrrrrning for going out; in fact, when I looked out my first instinct was to go back to bed....however I’m ‘up’ and
22.00 The ‘Team’ (Myra, Kirsty, Geoff and me)
enjoyed lunch, and a good old natter, today in the 19th today.... a regular outing. I had been ‘flapping about like a heidless
chicken’ in the morning, because I got it intae my heid that this was a ‘Team’
birthday dinner. However it wasn’t ...
the next birthday is Myra’s at the beginning of December; I found that out when I went to ‘arbour ‘ouse
to buy a present... Laura is a mine of information! I bought a coffee to settle my nerves, then
went to the bus shelter to drink it... where I met Dod. After chatting to Dod for a while I went
back to Ivy and got ready for the 19th.
Back at Ivy I settled down in The Hutte, with Blob, to do a Sudoku. As per normal I fell asleep, woke up and did a couple of Sudoku’s... before doing some ‘ousework. I’ve been a busy boy. ‘Busy’ could be a slight exaggeration!
was an interesting sky at sunset time so I had a walk to the beach; it wasn’t spectacular but bonnie in a
peaceful way; I sat on Nana’s seat and ‘fell
apart’. The tide was in so there was only
a wee beach; but there was a few people out
walking the tides edge.
Slight moan (to make me feel better) ‘Filter down economics’, giving money to the rich who don’t need it, (and only widens the gap between rich and poor), doesn't work; we actually need ‘filter up’ economics where we give money to the people that need it, and will spend it, to buy
food etc. There you are ... I feel better now. Slight moan over.
thinkin’ we might have a good drying day tomorrow; I have a decent load of washing that I’ll do
first thing.