
10th April 2019 (Wednesday) .... 10.00    My word .... this could be
Crackin' mornin' for playin' on the beach!
summer!     We have a cracker of a morning at the Centre of the Universe....  sunny and warm after an early morning frost.   It was -2c in Ivy garden at one point in time.
The beach was inspiring this morning.... now I have the urge to do something artistic;  but .... I’ll do some lopping in the garden instead.    I need to fill the ‘broon’ bucket.   

20.30    This has been a lovely day ... 14c in the shelter of Ivy garden;  where I spent the day working;  yes .... physically doing things, albeit slowly.   The ‘broon’ bucket is full of lopped cotoneaster branches.    By this time I was in full flow... and started painting the garden table and chairs.   I’ve done the underside and legs of the table.    A few years ago I’d have done all the work I’ve done today in a couple of hours;  but, although it takes a lot longer to do things, the contented feeling I get from a job well done remains the same.    Maybe I should ‘work’ mair often!

....  the other end of the beach.
I missed a phone call from George when I was out in the garden:  he was phoning to remind me that today was ‘Friendship Lunch’ day.    I’d forgotten that it was Wednesday;   all I knew was that it was a gorgeous day and I felt like doing something.   Sadly, by the time I found George’s message it was too late to go to the Kirk Hall.    I made myself a sandwich and had a ‘lonely’ Friendship Lunch in ‘The Hutte’.    George came along, on his bike, in the afternoon and told me what I’d missed.   We had a cuppa and discussed various topics .... including how sore my muscles could be tomorrow.

My plan for ‘ra morra’ is to do some more painting ....  I should be able to cope with painting.    The weather forecast is good and, if I’m in the mood, I’ll finish painting the table, and make a start on the Hutte.
Oh I nearly forgot;   I got the bike sorted, ready for a turn round the village soon;  
.... and the Firth of Forth.
once the roads are less busy.    The villages are very popular on days such as this, both with holiday makers living in the villages, and day trippers coming for a day on the beach.

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