Feeling romantic ....

29th April 2019 (Monday) .... 07.30    at this precise moment we have a
St Monans.
grey sky with a light easterly breeze;  not quite as bonnie as it was at this time yesterday.    However the sun should burn the cloud back to give us another ‘sunny and warm’ afternoon, albeit with a cool onshore breeze/wind.    I’m feeling active;  whether that will develop into actually ‘being active’ remains to be seen.    I had thought of biking up to the loch, but the light breeze is enough to ruffle the water, so ‘nae reflections’:   There’s a good chance that the windows will be finished today.

20.00    The wind freshened at about the same time as the sky cleared, so, although sunny, the wind took a few degrees off the temperature:   it would be warmer in the West of Fife .... and beyond.    We did get up to 14c in the garden, so I did some more weeding and stuff.    I did the outside of the kitchen windows first thing; then went along to the ‘Deli’ for morning coffee with the girls, Myra and Kirsty.      By the time we finished our coffee the sky was clear so I went to St Monans for a daunder around
St Monans.
the harbour.    St Monans harbour used to be a ‘hive of activity’ .... but that has changed.   A couple of yachts were being made ready for ‘crane in’ and;  and a couple of blokes wandering around with cameras .... me being one of them.    St Monans harbour was quiet;  and not very warm.

‘Dod’ dropped in for a cuppa and blether in the afternoon;  this was a bit of luck as I was in much need of a rest, ... and a cuppa:  I’d been working non- stop for half an hour.  Well ... maybe not non-stop....not for a whole half hour.   Dod and I discussed things local, El ... oops ... our
St Monans.
ailments, and .... how long it takes to paint a ‘Hutte’. 
Ye Gods..... Brexit is being mentioned intermittently on the news;  I’d forgotten all about Brexit .... and politicians.

I think it’s going to be less breezy tomorrow so the air should feel warmer .... though it will be off the North sea.    This weather has me in ‘working’ mode.... the strange thing is..... is.. that I’m enjoying it.    I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow;  but there’s plenty needing done.

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