"Good Morrrrrrrrning" ......

20th April 2019 (Saturday) ....07.30     There’s a light breeze from the West
Kincraig cliffs - Earlsferry.
this morning;  so, for those with a tendency to ‘hay fever, the high pollen count could be bothersome today, as another hot day is forecast.

09.00   It’s a quiet morning so I’ve been out on my bike ... for a turn round the ‘Royal Burgh’.   All the moving bits of the bike are functioning as they should;  and, more surprisingly, so are mine.     I will bike up to the 'paper shop'.... and  come home via Elie Estate..... maybe.  

12.00    Wellll .... the first thing I had to do when I got back from Elie was tighten the bike handle bars.... that’s one bit of the bike that shouldn’t be moving.     It made for an interesting run along to Elie!    Funny .... I never noticed that they were slack (I’d slackened the handle bars off to adjust them .... and hadn’t tightened properly) when I went round the village this morning;  though I did think the bumps on the road were affecting the steering.    Anyway .... all is well now.   I skipped the Elie Estate bit of the first trip out on my bike this year.

The harbour beach at 10.00.
19.30    Wellll ....  it has been another sunny, and hot, day  with the temperature hitting 20.5 in Ivy garden.    I just lingered in the Hutte.... making ‘plans’, and rescuing a Queen Bumble Bee that made several missed landings into the Hutte:  she was aiming for underneath the Hutte.... where she is building Her 'Royal' nest..   

The bike handle bars have been fixed so I will be biking down to the Easter Service at the harbour tomorrow morning.   The Harbour Service is followed by breakfast in the Kirk Hall.    After breakfast there’s the normal service in the kirk, then more food, lunch, again in the Kirk Hall.    All that will take care of the morning.... and I won’t
A 1930's Morris Minor.
have to make food.     According to the ‘rools’ (which I have just read) the service at the harbour ‘kicks off’ at 08.15.    The forecast is ‘good to braw’!   ...‘, good’ will morph into ‘braw’ by mid morning.   It’s going to be hot, again, tomorrow.... with a light breeze from the SSW.   The wind is backing to the East on Monday.

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