Feeling frightfully frisky ....

18th April  2019 (Thursday) .... 09.30    It’s a quiet, hazy kind of morning
That's George on the bike - making for Harbour House.

here;   there is a light breeze from the southeast.   This could be a good day for working:  after morning coffee etc.    I’ve already done some computer work .... after a serious conversation with my new Epson printer .... I was able to print off a trial card, for Geoff to have a look at this morning.    I’m feeling mildly industrious.... and should feel exceptionally industrious after coffee in Harbour House.    Must go slight ‘flap on’.... I need to eat something.

19.00     It was 16c in Ivy garden this afternoon;  but it wouldn’t be as warm as that down on the beach.   Actually I haven’t been to the beach today, so I don’t know how warm it was;  all I know is that there was a cool southeast wind outside Ivy Cottage gate.

Barnyards Marsh.
The villages seemed busy today;  well,... Ferry Road was.  Of course this is ‘Easter weekend’:  with the weather forecast being good, the villages will be choc-a-bloc.   The temperature if supposed to reach 20c around Edinburgh;  no so high on the East Coast.   That’s us!

I had a wander round Barnyards Marsh this morning;  it’s a while since I did that.    The marsh is wakening up, with green shoots and buds everywhere, and birds singing their territorial songs.   It’s a good job we humans don’t  have to sing to claim territory:   I wouldn’t have any!

Kinneuchar was quiet;  I didn’t see anyone that I knew.    When I think about it I didn’t see anyone at all!     Kinneuchar was quiet.... but that’s what Kinneuchar is;   a quiet country village:   and, I found a new view of Kinneuchar kirk today, so that pleased me.     I have enjoyed my day.

I was sitting in The Hutte, contemplating the complexities of life, when I happened to
Kinneuchar Kirk.
see two butterflies, and .... one Queen wasp.    I thought ... “yes ....it’s Spring”.    I was a bad boy and actually thought of whacking the Queen Wasp... but didn’t.    If I get stung by one of her off spring later in the Summer I might wish that I had.   Whacked her i.e.

Well it’s going to be another good day tomorrow.... in fact the forecast for the Easter weekend is all good.    I plan to sit in the Hutte, drink multiple cups of tea... and just ‘fall apart’.  

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