Hairdresser day ....

3rd April 2019 (Wednesday) .....    08.00  Mmmmm ... ... the forecast did
Ominous sky over Grange Road houses.
mention rain, and it looks like it has been, raining, all night... furthermore it looks like it’s going to rain for a while yet.    It is in fact a braw morning for chatting to a hairdresser;  I hope Kirstie is feeling talkative this morning.    I will also make an appointment at Specsavers (annual eye test), have a cuppa in Stuart’s, then visit Jim.   By the time I’ve done all that the sun might have broken through!  

17.00     All the above missions were successfully accomplished.... and Kirstie was in a talkative mood.    She is originally from Wick and has a braw way of speakin’.    I made an appointment at Specsavers, had a cuppa in Stuart’s and  visited Jim just after 10.00 .... he was in talkative mood, and had two ‘girlfriends’ sitting by his side in the quiet lounge:   it wisnae very quiet.

Kincraig cliffs - Earlsferry.
The sky did break up a bit after midday ... (oh... I’ve just remembered ....there is snow on the higher bits of the Lammermuirs) .... but we  had a series of squally showers coming in from the East.    I was caught out in one up at Chapel Green.   I had originally thought about going to Crail but it’s nearer the North Sea (by 10 miles), and, with the wind being from the East, I changed my mind and went up to Chapel green.    I was able to shelter from the worst of the shower ...  a mix of rain, sleet and hail.    I am now ensconced in Ivy for the night;  unless we end up with a cracker of an evening.

19.00     It is a nice enough evening... a mix of sunny spells and with a threat of
This was the start of the shower I got caught in.
showers.    The wind is from the East, not my favourite wind direction as most of you already know;   so I’ll give the beach a miss tonight, having had enough of the East wind in the afternoon.    Tomorrow weather is going to be much the same as today’s, though we could see more sunny spells and fewer showers.... once again on an East wind.

Tomorrow’s plan depends on the weather.   If I do go out it will be in the car, so that I can have somewhere to dive into if I get caught out in a shower.   You won’t believe it;  right now I fancy a mug of coffee and a ‘naughty’.    I bought a varied selection of ‘naughties’ in Sainsbury’s the other day!

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