East wind ....

4th April 2019 (Thursday) .... 09.00    We have one of those ‘interesting sky’
Elie on a lovely April afternoon.
mornings, with a lot of heavy shower clouds... (and heavy showers)  ;  with the occasional sunny spell.    There’s been a lot of rain overnight, but the showers should peter out later leaving us with longer sunny spells.   The wind is from the easterly direction;  in fact that’s going to be the main wind direction for the next few days;  that’s not a healthy wind.

21.00     This is the third day in succession that I’ve been to Leven;  I’m beginning to know the road.    Specsavers gave me an appointment for 11.00 so I went and had my eyes tested... and will get my new specs in two weeks.   Unfortunately when I was doing that I should have been at the Dentist in Anstruther.    It’s the first time I have ever missed a dental appointment ... or any appointment:  for some reason I had it fixed in my mind that the dental appointment was for next Thursday, the 11th.    I now have a new appointment for the 1st May.... and there’s a piece of paper to remind me of that
Elie harbour pier.
date sellotaped to the front door!   I even remembered to stick it to the inside of the door.   I have been a silly boy.   At least I have my new specs organised;  two for the price of one for some reason;  I don’t know why they couldn’t halve the  price of one pair.  Anyway I’m happy with the specs part of the day ....but annoyed with myself at missing the dentist.

After phoning the dentist and apologising etc. I had some lunch, followed by a much needed ‘50’ in the Hutte.    The showers had become less frequent, and had faded away by lunch time.... leaving us with bright and breezy afternoon, though there was plenty of April shower clouds scampering over.   I decided to go down to the harbour for a wander around.    The boats are all looking good for ‘crane in’ on Saturday,.... unlike today the harbour will be a hive of activity on Saturday.    So what else did I forget this afternoon? .... The
Elie Harbour beach.
‘Drop in Cafe’!    I’m blaming the East wind for all this forgetfulness! 
From what I’ve seen on the weather forecast tomorrow is going to be a good drying day.... bright breezy and mostly dry!    Yep .... I have enough to make a half load so a washing I will do.    No other plan ... apart from going to Harbour House for morning coffee ....and buying a paper!

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