Wintry feel to the air ....

26th October 2018 (Friday) .... 09.00    we have a nice morning, but it’s
Elie Bay at sunrise time.
definitely cooler, as per forecast;  in fact the clouds towards the East have a wintry look to them.     We were never going to see the sunrise this morning because of the clouds;  we need  gap between the horizon and the cloud base to let the sunshine though to give us ‘the sunrise’.   As it was the sun ‘rose’, above the clouds 12 minutes after actual sunrise time.
  That  said, it was nice on the beach....but cold on the hands, .... when I had my gloves off.

20.00    It has been cold today, but it has also a good drying day:  I washed two downy covers.... and ironed them.   I’m a happy bunny.   I haven’t done very much today;  apart from the paper and morning coffee, and a couple of sorties to the beach, I have
Earlsferry at sunset time.
been in or around Ivy all day.

I have seen the News which is headlined today by the disclosure of Philip Green being the ‘secret business man’.   To be honest all that this tells me is that there is a law for the rich and a law for the poor;   nothing new there then!    I fell asleep by the time they’d finished discussing how naughty the ‘clype’ was that disclosed  the (until now) ‘mystery name’.  
The beach was quite busy this evening at sunset time;  I did notice that everyone, even the dogs, was well wrapped up, and wearing woolly hats etc. to keep the Northerly wind out.   No, that’s not quite right  ..... the dogs weren’t wearing woolly hats!   I like this cold air .... as long as I’m wearing heavy duty togs.... I feel more active.    Pity I can’t be:  more active i.e.

This cauldness is to be with us for the next couple of days, so I’m going to stay around
The Ferry beach.
Ivy Cottage;   backing up my photographs onto DVD’s etc... staying warm.... and even do a spot of hibernating.    The car is going in for a service on Monday so I don’t need go to Leven until then.    It’s quite breezy tonight, so, although a bonnie night not a night for being out.    I’ve got the heating turned up and will see what’s on the tele after this update.   Oh .... I’ll have nine holes of golf on the Wii machine.

22.00    I’ve been out to the Hutte... and oh my word it is cold out;    Not cosy.    The evening has been spent designing, and printing off three Hutte ‘business’ cards.   Just wee cards with the Hutte and my FB web address on them.   I’ll take a photo and let you see the three I’ve produced.   Tomorrow I’ll choose one to print off and use.    It’s now bed time!    "Goodnight all" xx   

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