Moody, grey sky ....

16th October 2018 (Tuesday)    08.30 .... there’s a lot of cloud about .... in fact it’s overcast,.... but also a wee bit warmer.   I took a change of direction for my
Moody sky over Earlsferry (and Elie ... but that's behind me).
walk and went up to the ‘Pony Field’ and along to the third tee.    The villages looked sleepy.... although there were a goodly number of early morning dog walkers.    The sun should burn through the cloud eventually ....there are promising looking paler patches appearing in the general greyness.

11.30     The sky has cleared, and it looks like we are going to have a nice afternoon.     Both mattresses have been taken to Pittenweem Re-Cycling Depot.... and , and the  back seats of the car have been returned to normal.    On the way back from the second trip to Pittenweem I went to Elie Harbour, before having  morning coffee with  ‘the troops’.     I spotted a 'different' looking bird flying low across the bay near the harbour... it turns out to be one of this years Gannet chicks from the Bass.    It has lost enough weight to be able to take off;  now it needs to learn to fly high enough to plunge dive and catch food!

10.30 .... at Elie Harbour.

21.30      I’ve been a busy(ish) boy.    After a ‘lite bite’ lunch I went to Sainsbury’s (Leven) to do a shopping .... retail therapy Maggie used to call it.    On the way Out I met Irene (Peebles) who reminded me that the Colinsburgh ‘Lite Lunch’ is on the 31st October.    

When the sky clouded over I decided to bake some Cheese scones.   I have developed a taste for the Harbour House ,homemade, ‘melt in the mouth’ cheese scones.     I fancied having ago at making a batch.   The only resemblance that my cheese scones have with the Harbour House ones is that they are ‘homemade’.... mine ain’t ‘melt in the mouth’.... in fact, though tasty, you need a guid set o’ teeth.    I decided to double the quantities, which I did for everything .... except the liquid.    This explains why I didn’t end up with a ‘soft dough’.    I’ll get it right the next time.  

I’ll stay in Ivy tomorrow;  at least until Iain arrives.     We won’t have time to go
Cheese scones.
anywhere, apart from the beach and Chapel Green.    The weather forecast is not bad .... more or less the same kind of weather as we had today, but with longer ‘sunny spells’.

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