John off home ....

12th October 2018 (Friday) .... 09.00   Hmmmm .... it is windy, with
Interesting sky.
blustery rain showers,  as per forecast;   so we have a busy, and interesting sky;  there’s even the occasional blue patch  in the clouds.    It’s breezy on the beach.... and cool in the brisk Southeast wind;  and, with the wind coming in off the water there’s no shelter at the edge of the dunes.
The Aberdeen to London KingsX train is having to leave from Edinburgh due to the derailment at Stonehaven;  this means that John will have to leave from Kirkcaldy on an earlier Fife Circle train  to connect with the London train at Waverley.

Elie Bay.
17.00    It has been great having John around for the past few days;  in fact at times this morning I thought I might have him for another day:  John is not a ‘morning boy’.     We left Ivy about 10 minutes later then intended, and had a stop and start journey all the way to Kirkcaldy;  temporary traffic lights and a ‘bucket cairt’ being two of the worst hold ups.   Nearly every set of traffic lights (normal) went to red as we approached;  so, because we were didn’t have much time to play with, it was a frustrating journey.    My car clock is four minutes fast which didn’t help;  .... until I remembered!    However, and more importantly, we hadn’t factored in the fact that most of the bumbling type of trains are rarely on time .....the one that John was aiming for was running 6 minutes behind schedule:  we had loads o’ time. 
I’ve enjoyed being driven about by ‘JB’ (John Boy) for the past week;  and I’ve found out two things about my car;  it is capable of going faster than ‘bumbling’ speed.... and doesn't have a brake pedal on the passenger side!   It’s a nippy little vehicle.

On the way home I went to ‘Rejects’ to buy a couple of sets of, single bed, sheets ....
Taken three weeks ago!
but I need to measure the depth of the mattress before I get the fitted ones.    I can’t do that (measure the mattress) until it’s delivered on the 25th (I think it’s the 25th).
The weather has turned really miserable over the past few hours;  it is now totally dreich!    Not an evening for going to the beach;  in fact it has the look of a good Wii golfing/ten pin bowling evening.    Saturday’s weather forecast is of the ‘hibernate for 24 hours’ kind;  windy and wet.   That said the ‘Centre of the Universe’ might get lucky, and have ‘sunny and warm’.    I might be dreaming.

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