Dreich ....

13th October 2018 (Saturday) .... 08.30    We have ‘grey and wet’ this
East end of the Ferry High Street this morning.
morning:  however I set off to go to the beach, but, by the time I got to the High Street (about 40 metres) the rain was too heavy for this delicate ‘boy’.    I took a couple of photos of the Ferry High Street... abandoned the planned walk on the beach, and headed back to Ivy;  where I am now... with a cuppa.    The rain is forecast to get heavier.... not a good start to the Mid Term holidays.

12.30     It’s not a day for bumbling around outside that’s for sure;  I went up for the papers (in the car), and had morning coffee with Jim and Myra.... and then had  run up to Kinneuchar to get a few wet look photos, from the car, when I left  Harbour House.   I could have gone to Geoff’s for lunch but had to cancel because I’m choked up with some kind of head cold.    I’m going to take a ‘Janice’ toddie and ‘lie low’ for the remainder of today,....  and probably tomorrow.   I think there’s rugby on the tele;  I’ll watch that .... though I’ll probably fall asleep. 

19.00    I’m missing ‘JB’;   and being chauffeured around.     That said, with the kind of weather we had today, it was not a day for going anywhere:  but we would probably have gone to Cupar for ‘emergency rations’.    I found somewhere to go this afternoon.... my bed:  I fell asleep in front of the tele, so went and had a lie down on top of my bed, where I had an hour of  decent sleep.   I woke up feeling refreshed, but still choked up.    I’ll ‘hibernate’ again tomorrow.    If I remember correctly it’s the Harvest Service in Kinneuchar kirk tomorrow morning (11.00) so I’m going to miss that. 

The last time I was outside (about half an hour ago) it was still raining, but not very
Elie Harbour beach .... not today!
heavily.    This band of rain id due to fade away overnight, but another band (of rain) is forecast to come our way tomorrow... though it may be further east (Crail) and miss the Centre of the Universe altogether.   I have a washing to do, but Monday looks like being the first, half decent, ‘drying day’.    I might do the towels tonight in the hope that I get them out tomorrow.    Jings I never used to think in a ‘housewifely’ manner;  Maggie did all the thinking:  I just bumbled along with living.    It has taken a few years for me to adapt!

Like I mentioned earlier I’ll have another quiet day tomorrow .... starting with a lie in.   Tomorrow morning might be ‘nae bad’.... any rain that we might get is due to arrive about mid morning.

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