Peaceful beach ....

28th May 2018 (Monday) .... 09.00   We’ve got the haar this morning .... but
Peaceful morning.
that should burn back to leave us with a really nice day.    There is a light breeze, but it isn’t cold;  even on the beach where I’ve spent an hour pottering about at the edge of the tide.    It’s so peaceful this morning that even the wavelets that we have got aren’t flopping onto the sand .... they’re gently creeping over it.    Everyone on the beach, and there were a few early morning walkers,  was enjoying the stillness.   It was like someone had pressed the ‘pause’ button.  


17.00    We’ve enjoyed a lovely, ‘sunny and warm’ afternoon;  in fact I’d say this could be the  start of ‘summer’.  I biked up to Elie for the paper.... and had coffee in Harbour House.   Sitting watching the traffic surprised me:  I didn’t realise just how busy the junction outside Harbour House can be on a holiday weekend.      Our quiet villages
The Ferry beach.

aren’t so quiet after all:  at least not at holiday time.      I was a bit nervous about biking back to Ivy, but all the drivers that  met, or overtook me were considerate.   That said, I’ll stay off the roads at busy times.
I’ve been in the garden most of the afternoon:  there are loads of weeds needing attention.    Some of my fluffy flowers had spread their tiny parachutes and sent their offspring to pastures new, before I removed their fluffy heads.   The leaves have been touched with weed killer:  which should cool their ardor.    I did ‘dead head’ most of the yellow flowers, only keeping one clump to photograph.

20.30     There is Pendulous Sedge,  growing by the path round Balcarres Pond:   I
Oh dear .... the 'babies' have flown!
now have Pendulous Sedge in Ivy garden.    I must have picked up the seeds on my shoes, because, much as I like Pendulous Sedge, I don’t want it in the garden.    However it does show how efficient this Sedge is in spreading.   The seeds are tiny ... almost like dust.     I always blamed the bird food for any strange plants that appeared in the garden.

Tomorrows weather looks like being much the same as today’s was, though it will be breezier and therefore feel cooler.    This has been an enjoyable day for me .... I’d settle for more of the same tomorrow.

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