MOT ....

16th May 2018 (Wednesday) .... 08.00    We have, near enough, a ‘wall to
Lady enjoying the Ferry beach this morning.
wall’ blue sky this morning;   in other words another bonnie morning, but it is slightly cooler.    I’ve emptied the car boot, been up for the papers, .... and now I’m ready to ‘frolic and play’.    Only I can’t, frolic and play, because I have to take the car for its MOT.    This is perfect weather for Stewart, and Lorraine bumbling off on holiday.... to somewhere on the Wet .. oops ... West Coast    That reminds me, it is only seven weeks until Myra, Jim and I go to Cornwall. 
 I’m going to have a quick walk to the beach then have another cuppa before going to Leven.

21.30    I was pleasantly surprised this morning;   the car only required new front brake pads to pass its MOT.    I always get uptight at MOT time.     But that’s not best thing that happened today.    I  wasn’t sure how my knee would cope with walking to Sainsbury’s, but I did that ‘nae bother’, only slightly slower ... and back again.... a
Bring on the summer.
total distance of 3.5 kilometres (2.17 miles).    I enjoyed a cuppa in Sainsbury’s then bumbled my way back up to Banbeath.   I t was a bonnie day for walking.   Back at Fife Auto, the mechanic told me that the car needed front brake pads, and that they could do them “now”.    So I watched Bargain Hunt on the waiting room tele while the job was being done.    I then went back to Sainsbury’s (in the car) and did a wee shopping.

The traffic lights are still active at the entrance to the new golf course, though I saw that the road markings at the entrance have been done;   and a big length of hedge removed, so the work at the actual entrance must be nearly finished;   unless they are going to build a wall where the hedge was.   I assume the hedge was removed to create better visibility.   
There is another set of traffic lights to contend with on the road to Leven:  at the West
Golf course entrance work site.
end of Lundin Links.   The west set of lights isn’t working properly:  they go from red to orange, then back to red again .... nae green:   only leaving enough time for four or five cars to get through from the Leven end ... and that on the orange light.    I know this because I was at the front and saw them change from orange to red as I passed the lights.

Tomorrow is going to be another bonnie day;  much the same as today, but cloudier in the afternoon.

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