Feeling "bright eyed and bushy tailed" ...

20th May 2018 (Sunday)..... 08.00    Although the sky is mostly overcast just
Looking south from the high point Balcarres.
now,  I can see a hole with ‘bloo’ sky showing through so it looks like being a  ‘breezy and warm, with sunny spells’  kind of day.    I’m in the mood for getting in among trees today .....  I’ll probably go up to the Estate (Elie or Balcarres) later in the afternoon.    Right now I’m in a working sort of mood:  I’m hoping that wears off when I’m having breakfast.

12.00    Even I find this hard to believe;   so far today, I have done a lot of work ... in the garden!    Everything is growing so fast just now that there is much needing doing;  and I’m the very boy to do it.   However I had a break at 09.55, and switched on the ‘tele’.   There was an Anglican service, from St Martin’s in the Field Church (London), on BBC, which caught my attention, and I watched it from start to finish (10.00 – 11.00).    Watching a Church Service on the television isn’t the same as going to an
Balcarres Estate.
actual service:   there’s no one to have a chat with.    However I did enjoy the service, and almost felt like I’d been to ‘the kirk’.... apart from the aforementioned lack of conversation.    I’m orf out to the garden again.

20.30     I went up to Balcarres (in the car) for a walk about;  I went up to the Lathallan junction and came down through the estate on the auld main road.    The farm boys were working in the fields, but that was the only activity I saw.    I wanted photographs of the fresh greens of Spring.... and I did get a few.    I stopped at off the road ‘mooring up’ places, and took a variety of pictures.    But, oh my word my knees and hips are stiff after the work I’ve been doing.    The ‘plan’ is to do more of the same tomorrow.   Tomorrow’s weather is supposed to be more or less the same as today’s was .... only less windy and therefore warmer.    It will be a good day for the garden.    I might get the bike out first thing, and go up through Elie Estate.

The Very Rev Michael Curry, the Anglican Bishop from the USA lit up the  Royal Wedding.      Of all the official sections of the wedding ceremony his was the best.    He spoke about ‘love’... and that is what weddings are all about.    Some folk say that he ‘went on a bit’... but he brought simple, down to earth,  ‘love’ right to the fore.    We should never underestimate the importance, and power, of ‘Love’.

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