Cracker of a morning ....

14th May 2018 (Monday) .... 09.30    It’s an absolute cracker of a morning,
Chapel Green - Earlsferry.
and ‘The Boy’ has been busy since dawn cracked.    I’ve been round the block on the bike, and will have to reset the rear derailleur gears;  which I’ll do  after I hang out a washing.     It’s not the best of drying days as there isn’t much wind, but a breeze is forecast for later.

I don’t know where the time goes;   having been up, and active, at 05.30, and feeling that I haven’t done anything .... yet I haven’t stopped.    Well I have now;  to update the Hutte.... and have a coffee.     I intend going round the villages on the bike once I get the gears set.    Finding instructions online was easy;   but finding ones that allowed you to print said instructions off was harder.    Must ‘go’ ... ‘slight flap on’.... it’s a bonnie day and I want to do more ‘things’.

Ivy tulip.

21.30     It has been a perfect day for doing ‘things’.... and I have taken advantage of that.   The bike is fixed.... and I went up to Chapel Green and had a long rest on The Boss’s seat.    The Green was busy with folk out enjoying the sunshine.... it has been a most pleasant day.   It was while I was resting that I decided that I’d do some work around Ivy;   and that is what I did, more or less all day.     First of all the bike needed some tweaking.... it might need a few more slight adjustments .... but the major work had been done.

In the hottest part of the afternoon (it was 21c in Ivy garden) I did a couple of Soduko’s in the Hutte, before pruning an overgrown cotoneaster.    The next job was replacing one of The Hutte window sills.   That was a job that I really enjoyed doing. ... and it took a wee bit of time.    I might start painting The Hutte tomorrow;   the weather forecast is good for the next few days.     I’d better see how much paint I have.    It’s a popular colour (Forest Green) so it will be easy enough to get.

It did turn out to be a good ‘drying day’.... and the washing is now ready to iron.     In fact I will do that (the ironing) before I go to bed.     Before I do that I’m going to daunder down to the beach.

There must be a few holiday makers here, because the beach was busier than I’d
Evening time.
expected it to be.    It is a beautiful evening, and our beach is the place to go for a quiet stroll.... I didn’t get near enough to talk to anyone, but I did meet a friendly dog, that was really enjoying the beach.

This happy bunny will be dragging some weary muscles into his ‘burrow’ tonight;   but I have enjoyed doing ‘things’.     I intend doing ‘more of the same’ tomorrow:  after I come back from the surgery.    I have an appointment to see about my knee.
The ironing has been put orf until tomorrow.

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