Last day of the Scarecrow Festival ....

7th May 2018 (Monday) .... It’s a bit cloudier this morning, but it’s warm ....
Elie Bay.
and bonnie.    The clouds should break up later  giving us a warm/hot afternoon    Unfortunately the wind if from the East so that might take the edge orf the temperature.
I’ve been out on the bike, taking in the villages, and Elie Estate.   At that time the sea was more or less flat calm, but there is a breeze (from the east) now.   By the time I got to Kinneuchar Loch the water was being ruffled by the wind.    I’ll go out on the bike again, after another cuppa (and ‘50’ in the Hutte), to get a few more photos of the scarecrows.

21.30     Oh my word .... it was 22c in Ivy garden this afternoon;  Ivy garden is sheltered from the East wind.   Because of the high temperature, I’ve had to take evasive action to protect my delicate hide .... er skin, from the sun.   I ensconced myself in The Hutte, and did a few Soduko’s, fed Blob and Co at regular intervals, and drank loads of liquids.    This means that I never did get up to Elie to photograph all the Elie ‘scarecrows’, though I did get quite a few of them;   and all the Ferry ones.     
Earlsferry from Elie pier.
However my Soduko skills are improving.

The villages have been busy again with ‘scarecrow seekers’.... I saw, and heard loads of them going up and down Ferry Road.     The weather has been perfect for the Scarecrow Festival;  probably the best weekend we’ve ever had.     Yesterday the villages were completely ‘full’... which is good to see, but we couldn’t live with that all the time.   

The holiday weekend is ending with a really balmy evening;    one of those ‘dreamy’ evenings.    I dream most of the time, but on an evening like this wandering about in a
'Elie Dug'.
trance like state is allowed.    The beach was quiet, as you’d expect at the end of a holiday weekend.     There was a Heron having a paddle at the edge of the tide .... and me.     On the beach i.e. .... I wasn’t paddling.

It looks like tomorrow could be another bonnie day... but not as hot as it was today, and the wind should be more from the south to southwest.    My plan is to go out on the bike early, then do some stuff around Ivy later.

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