Winchelsea Pt II ....

23rd  January 2018 (Tuesday) .... 11.00     John and I picked the right day to go to Winchelsea;  yesterday was ‘sunny and dry’, today we have ‘foggy and
The back of some Eastbourne beach huts.  It was raining.
damp’ .... not a day for going out anywhere.    It isn’t cold .... just bleak looking.
 I have plenty to keep me going from yesterday’s trip;  with much I want to look up:  I love history.    Winchelsea is only a small place, but a classic example of English history, and why the town is where it is... and ...with the town  being small,  it is easy to see the “whole picture”.... or what remains of the whole picture.

22.00     ‘JB’ was going down to Eastbourne in the afternoon so I went along for the ‘run’ .... he was only going to ASDA’s for some shopping, but, with the weather being grey and miserable I thought I’d take the chance of grabbing  a few ‘wet look’ photos from the car.    Not that I need more of those, but the hope was, that the weather might be brighter on the coast.   It wasn’t.    Bumbling up and down the ASDA aisles (or any
supermarket) is a good way exercising on a wet day.

This afternoon I sorted out some more Winchelsea photographs;   some of which are on my Facebook page.    I have many more to ‘sort’, and some of them will be added to FB later.

The Sussex weather forecast for tomorrow is not cheerful .... more rain, with wind.    I might walk downtown if there are dry spells;  otherwise it will be computer stuff and my book.

I saw somewhere that Eastbourne is one of the most polluted places on the south coast,
because it is ‘trapped’ between pollution from the London area, and pollution coming over from the continent... depending on the wind direction.    It’s a simple case of somebody else’s pollution, ending up on somebody else’s doorstep.   

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