Travelling Home .....

31st January 2018 (Wednesday) ...... Travelling home;   next update from Ivy.

21.30      Oh my word ....  Bonnie Scotland is cauld!     The journey  from Sunny Sussex back to Fife was  slightly frustrating.    Janice took us (‘JB’ me) down to Uckfield station in time to catch an earlier train than we had intended.     Even so by the time
Aberdeen train - "Lincolnshire Echo",  Kings Cross Station London.
we left Crowborough, it was ‘standing room only’.     Crowborough was only the third of ten stops, not including Uckfield (start station) and London Bridge (where this service terminates);  so you can guess how tightly packed the train was by the time we reached the penultimate stop East Croydon.      Actually more people left the train here (East Croydon) than got on it. 
 From London Bridge, we had to travel, by Underground  (Northern Line), to Kings X .    We arrived at Northern Line gates to find a huge crowd of people being slowly filtered through the gates, this was to prevent overcrowding on the platform below.    I have never seen so many people just ‘stood staunin’.... we joined them     After about five minutes  we were through, and finally arrived Kings X  platform;  it was mobbed.
If I remember correctly, we got onto the third train that came in.... where we were packed in even tighter than the Uckfield train, though we both got seats after a couple stops.... and arrived at Kings X with time to spare.    Enough spare time to have a cuppa.
The Aberdeen train began loading, 20 minutes before departure, so ‘JB’ was able to get  settled in my seat, before he started the journey back to Uckfield.

The journey North was interesting.     The train had to travel very slowly through line side work between Grantham and Peterborough:  this cost us time, which gradually built up because we then were ‘out of sync’ and had to wait  for the line ahead to clear  a number of  times.    There was an announcement after York that we would be 30 minutes late at our various destinations, so I phoned Jim and Myra (who were picking me up at Kirkcaldy) to let them know that I’d be late in arriving in Kirkcaldy.    Unfortunately another 29 minutes had been lost by the we got to Kirkcaldy ;   and the train was 59 minutes late!    A big ‘Thank You’ to Jim and Myra who patiently waited, and had me back home in Ivy just after 16.00.... and took me up to “No3” for a welcome home meal.    I’m back in the ‘Royal Burgh’, and ready to rock ‘n’ roll!

I’m having an early night in bed.;.. and probably a sleep in tomorrow morning:  it has been a long, and busy, day.

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