The Blackboy's Inn Burns Supper .....

27th January 2018 (Saturday) .... 16.00   We had sunshine first thing this morning, but the weather has deteriorated, and we now have rain;  not a day for doing
Michael, and Mario the Piper.
things outside.     In fact not a day for me doing much inside either ..... I’ve spent most of the day sleeping.      Growing old requires much sleep I’m finding out.    It’s ‘The Blackboy’s’ Burns Supper tonight, and I’m wondering if I should give it a miss:  that said it’s the Burn’s Supper that I have been looking forward too.   This will need some serious thought.

 I woke up very suddenly after my siesta this lunch time;   right in the middle of a dream about Craw’s Nest days.    Everybody was there, and  the‘party’ was breaking up.    I decided to give Elizabeth (my boss) a hug, but first I thought I’d better brush my hair:  after said brushing, I looked round to find that everyone had gone!    That's the price of vanity!     Where do those dreams come from?

John, Jackie and Janice.
09.30 ... 2801     I was in fine fettle by mid afternoon (after a few more hours sleep) and was able go to the “Blackboy’s” Burns Supper in the evening.     Michael was in excellent form;  you could see that he was really enjoying himself ..... and that the audience was enjoying the whole ‘show’.  Michael had his friend Bob, doing the ‘History of’ and Toast to Robert Burns;   it’s great listening to someone from the Southeast taking an active part in a Burns Supper.    Ken, from Glasgow, joined Michael for a second, joint, rendition of Tam O’ Shanter, Michael having ‘done’ Holy Willie’s Prayer, and Tam O’ Shanter earlier in the evening.    Mario, the piper, was also in great form;  piping in the haggis, and entertaining us later, with a few tunes on the
"Holy Willie".
pipes, and the fiddle.   As ever with “the Blackboy’s”, the food, and service was excellent;  and the company was really nice, and enjoyable:   yes’ it was an evening to remember.

We were back home by 280025, when I had a cuppa then went to bed.    I am updating this on the morning after.    I had my normal two half pints of beer, and a whisky (for the toast) over the evening .... and copious amounts of water.    I had a really enjoyable evening;  and it was Michael, aided by Bob and Ken, and his behind the scenes advisor Janice,  who made the evening extra special for all of us.   

I slept like a log!

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