Balcombe viaduct ....

8th January 2018 (Monday) ....  11.00    Janice, Michael and I went to the Balcombe viaduct yesterday;  it’s an impressive structure, and there is a legitimate
Balcombe viaduct ... photo by Michael.
‘walk’ round the viaduct, with a stop at a garden centre half  way round.    However, with all the rain we’ve lately the walk had been turned into a  sea of slippery mud.     Normally I would ‘go for it’, the need to get the photographs overriding all else, but after venturing about 50 metres over the path  Michael and I both decided that it was too slippery for me;   I’d most likely have ended up on my ‘butt’.     Michael persevered and got the photos that I wanted;   I got some general shots.    It is most definitely a ‘wellie boots’ walk in the conditions that prevail:  although it was a bonnie day yesterday, it will take a series of bonnie drying days, to make the walk across the field passable with normal footwear.    It’s a beautiful structure, 1450 feet long, built with 11,000,000  bricks  shipped across from Holland, and transported up the River Ouse, to the site, by barge from Newhaven and Lewes.     It was opened in 1841, and is said to be ....  “the most elegant viaduct in the UK”.  
I was surprised to find that the bricks arrived by barge ..... the River Ouse at Balcolme viaduct is just a wide burn.

Balcolme viaduct.
From Balcolme we went to The Crown in Horsted Keynes for a relaxing ‘pint’, and to warm up at the open fire.

It’s overcast here this morning ..... and cold;  it feels like we might get rain later, but I don’t think that’s in the forecast.

21.00      Today has been a day of ‘R & R’;   my cough made a partial comeback yesterday, and my day was spent staying in, and warm, in an effort to shake it off... once and for all.     Apparently this is the norm for the cold that’s doing the rounds this year.   It is most likely the reason that I went to bed last night without updating the Hutte ..... I’m really sorry about that.    Anyway I have  felt brighter today (I managed to clean the mud off two pair of shoes!), and the weather for tomorrow in the South East is forecast to be much the same as today’s.... but warmer.   I’ll go ‘downtown’ in the morning and have a browse around.
The path across the field; and Michael coming back from the viaduct.

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