Lovely frosty morning .....

30th January 2018 (Tuesday) ..... 09.30   We have a ‘bright and sunny’ Sussex this morning, after an early morning frost;   a lovely start to the day.    Already
'JB' at Pevensey Castle.
the heavy rime is lifting with the warmth of the sun.    There are little balls of cotton wool clouds beginning to bumble over from the Northwest....a bonnie Spring like morning.

In a wee while I shall go downtown to have a cuppa, and say cheerio to Lee-Ann and the ‘Troops’ at ‘The Centre’:   tomorrow at this time ‘JB’ and I will be at Kings X, waiting for the 10.00 Aberdeen train.   It, the aforementioned train, is scheduled to arrive in Kirkcaldy at 15.04.

22.00     John and I went to Pevensey and Beachy Head this afternoon;  it’s the first time we’ve been able to get to Beachy Head on a decent day.    The first time we went we drove into low cloud.... and nigh on zero visibility.   Today I was able to get a good batch of both Pevensey Castle and Beachy Head photos.    This has made me very happy;    because you can’t visit Sussex without visiting those two places.... and I’m travelling home tomorrow.

Beachy Head lighthouse.
The Centre Cafe was busy this morning when I went to say “Cheerio” to everyone.    A big “Thank You” to Barrie:  when I went to pay my bill I found that Barrie had beat me too it, having paid for my morning break/light lunch.
It will have to be an early night in bed tonight as ‘JB’ and I have an early start in the morning:  a train to catch at 07.30 from Uckfield.    This will be my last update from ‘Sunny Sussex’ this visit.    I have enjoyed my holiday, in spite of some inclement weather;   having a cold.... oh ... and Uckfield High Street. 

I will end by thanking Janice and Michael for putting up with me for six weeks, and
'JB' at Beachy Head.
‘JB’ for taking me all over the place on his day’s orf.    I’d say that Winchelsea was the big surprise Sussex had for me this visit;   I love that place.    Oh .... and my latest girlfriend is Twiss, the lassie in the Post Office who sorted out the parcels.

I’m now orf to bed for a good night’s sleep.  

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