Oops .... "red sky in the morning etc."

23rd October 2017 (Monday) ... 09.30    We had a ‘red sky in the morning sunrise’..... and spits and spots o’ rain when I was on the beach;   now it is
Red sky in the morning .... and it's now raining!
raining ‘properly’.    The baking kit will be coming out, as it looks like we could be in for a wet and windy couple of hours.    We did have a beautiful sunrise this morning ..... it’s actually the half hour before sunrise that I like best;   the sky changes dramatically at first, then the subtle colours spread across the sky.    My preferred spot is to be on the beach because I then have the sky reflected on the wet sand .... providing the tide is out.    I’m a contented boy!

20.00    The Plain Wholemeal Flour scones turned out a spectacular disaster;   the round looked like a big soft digestive biscuit... and that was after adding baking
Earlsferry High Street..... East end.
   However there is one connoisseur of Digestive Biscuits that loves the them, (the ‘new’ scones) ....  “Blob” (Bless his feathery butt).    He thinks they are a culinary delight.   Actually they taste fine .... but they are not scones.    In fact two of them stuck together with jam, with icing on top and I’d have a healthy German Biscuit!   Oh well .... I’ll always make sure that I buy Self Raising Wholemeal in future.     I can make Wholemeal bread with the flour I have left.    Back to the drawing board ‘Alber’.

We had to go to Leven, Jimmy and I, ....  Jimmy had burnt out his waste paper shredder, so we had to go to Argos to purchase a new one.     Of course it’s only a short step, well, a few wheel turns of the car, and we were in Sainsbury’s Car Park.    I bought Self Raising Wholemeal flour, a packet of Yeast, before going upstairs to join Jimmy in the Cafe.    Tomorrow morning I’ll make a single round, of proper wholemeal scones;   I have to stay ‘in’ Ivy, as I ordered blank cards online, and they are going to
The beach late this afternoon.
be delivered sometime tomorrow.

It has been a fairly dull and overcast day today;   but not that cold.    Sunrise was the brightest time of day .... that’s for sure.    Tomorrow weather is forecast to be mixed....early cloud and rain, followed by bright spells in the afternoon.

This has been a strange day for me;   I feel like I have done nothing, and yet the day has flown past.    I’ll have an early night in bed with my book, which I should finish tonight... we’re at the exciting bit: about to kidnap the Pope.

Photographs : Top – Cosy sunrise, Middle – Earlsferry beach late in the afternoon, and Bottom – East End of the Ferry High Street.

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