Bad hair day .....

16th October 2017 (Monday) .... 07.30     Mmmmmm .... it’s dreich;  not a morning for going out for a walk.   It is forecast to clear up later in the morning, then
Elie lighthouse at 13.30 today.
more rain to come in later in the afternoon.    It’s a grand morning for visiting Eleanor and Sandy;   I’m looking forward to catch up with all their ‘news’.   Before that I must remember to pick up Jimmy from the garage!    

 19.00     Wellll ... this has been one gloomy day as far as the weather went;   it was so dark at 13.30 that the sensor on Elie Lighthouse switched ‘on’.    This is the first time I have ever seen it so dark and gloomy at that time of day.   After half an hour, the sky began to lighten and it, the lighthouse, switched off.     The sun managed to break through at 16.30, by which time the wind was rising, and it felt much colder on the beach.     We are going to have a windy night, the remnants of Hurricane
Earlsferry High Street.

I did remember to pick up Jimmy.... and was back at Ivy well in time for Calumn picking me up.   We had good reminisce about  Craw’s Nest days ... and how things have changed.    Evie is looking well, and now living in Cellardyke;  she had been living in Sussex, but sadly, her husband died so she has moved back to her roots.    Elizabeth (Aird) from Crail hasn’t changed, and everyone is busy keeping active.    Young Alex, and Nicola were there with their family, so... yes .... we had a really pleasant couple of hours ... plus.

I went down to the beach when the sun broke through, and found it, the beach, busy;   everyone was out enjoying the short spell of sunshine.    It couldn’t last long ... the  sun
Late afternoon!
set at 18.09.  

Mmmmm .... tomorrow’s weather forecast?     Most of the strong wind is to be overnight, but, ....  it will still be windy in the morning.     I’ll have a look out at 06.00, and, depending on the weather I may go down to catch the sunrise at 07.47.   I’m taking Jimmy up to St Andrews for an appointment tomorrow morning... I’d better not forget that!

The redundant oil platform, Transocean Prospect, has been deposited at the breakers yard in Aliaga.   Tug AH Varazze is en route to Malta, and tug Atlantic Kestrel en route to Crete.... their mission, with Transocean Prospect, ....done.

Olympic Leopard, our tanker is poodling along a 12.5 knots off Namibia... she has had another change of destination in China,  and is now making for Rizhao.

Photographs : Top – Elie lighthouse flashing in the gloom, Middle – a gloomy Ferry High Street, and, Bottom – the beach after the sun broke through.

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