Not a pretty morning ....

4th October 2017 (Wednesday) .... 10.30    I’ve been for a decent walk this morning;   it’s  not the best weather for walking, windy and overcast, but at least it is
The Earlsferry bents walk.
dry after overnight rain.    Occasionally the cloud cover looks like it could break up and let the sun shine through, but that hasn’t happened so far.   If the weather stays as it is, baking a batch of scones might be a good plan for the afternoon.

19.30     Grey days are not the most stimulating... though I did manage to keep my brain active;   by working on the computer, and doing Soduko’s.    I cancelled the afternoon baking ‘plan’ .... “Puku” is on a diet!  My main afternoon mission was taking Jim along to Lundin Links, to pick his car up from the garage.    I’d have gone down to Lower Largo but it’s not really a pleasant day for being out;   so .... I went back to Ivy, where I had a cuppa.    Jimmy arrived so I had two cuppas.

This one for my Winchelsea friends.
Of course with our weather being rather .... not awfie bonnie, I have been harassed, frustrated even, all day;  however I found a way to unwind.    Everyone will be happy to know that the ocean going tugs AH Varazze and Atlantic Kestrel, with redundant oil platform Transocean Prospect in tow, are now well into the Mediterranean;   off the town city of Collo, an ancient Roman – Berber city, in Algeria.    It is a bonnie place.... not that I’ve been there, I Googled it!    Although .... I sailed past it (Collo), along with a few hundred other servicemen, on Empire Fowey in 1958... so I could say that I’ve “nearly been there”.

The other vessel, that ‘we’ are following, the crude oil tanker, Olympic Leopard, is bumbling along, well off the coast of Portugal, at 13.3 knots (15.3 mph) ...  as I type.    She, Olympic Leopard, will have to sail the long way round via the Cape of Good Hope
Seaweed gatherer.
(‘Kaap die Goeie Hoop’ in Afrikaans) ;  the ‘Cape’ is not the southernmost tip of the African Continent... it is where ‘she’ (Olympic Leopard), will start to sail more east than south (or north rather than west, going the other way).... an important ‘milestone’ on the tea clipper, and Australian clipper route.
We are going to be overwhelmed with a sunny spell tomorrow ... in point of fact maybe more than one .... it all depends on how many clouds there are around.   Anyway it is forecast to be brighter ‘ra morra’.

For some reason I have been ‘a bag o’ nerves’ all day;   I’m looking forward to the Drop in Cafe tomorrow!

Photographs : Top and Middle – bottom of Cadger’s Wynd houses, Earlsferry .... for my friends in Winchelsea in Sunny Sussex, and Bottom –  seaweed gatherers (4 of them I think there was).   Either that or I saw a single seaweed gatherer four times.

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