Feeling impish ....

20th October 2017 (Friday) .... 09.00    Mmmmmm ....it is overcast, as was forecast, and there’s a light southwest breeze;  but... although grey, it’s a bonnie
Elie pier.
morning.    We had a few early dog walkers, and one dog jogger, on the beach at sunrise time... sunrise was at 07.55 ... but the sun has yet to burn its way through a thick blanket of cloud.   We may get a few bright spells later.

  For some inexplicable reason, I’m feeling impish this morning;    I’ve no doubt that will wear orf.    I’ll put the kettle on.

News ...  regarding ‘Albert’s Hutte’, Streamline version.    I am closing the Streamline version of ‘The Hutte’, it is becoming too expensive to keep .... and will close on the 16th November.     Instead of Streamline ‘The Hutte’ will be on Google (Google provides the web space free) ...and can be found here  Alberto’s Hutte on Goog.    I have been using Google, alongside Streamline for more than a year now.... and find it easier to use ... and considerably cheaper!    Funnily enough I’ll miss the familiarity of Streamline, but without doubt ‘Goog’ is the way forward.   Streamline user's can click on the link above to see the Google version.

Elie beach.
19.30    Well now what can I say:  the sun burnt orf the bank of cloud by midday,  and we ended up with one of the best days of the year.... it has been gorgeous.    The villages were busy, ....  the harbour, the beach... with everybody out enjoying rare, and warm sunshine.
In the morning Jimmy and I went along to Leven for a wee bit o’ shopping (Jimmy had run out of bananas), and a cuppa in Sainsbury’s cafe.   My main purchase was wholemeal flour, to make scones, .... and frozen vegetables, two of the items I forgot to get when I was in ASDA’s on Wednesday.

With the afternoon being so bonnie I went down to the harbour in the car... I wanted to use the Canon camera.   I was well rewarded with some really summery looking photographs.     Getting away from the harbour was not easy;  I was more than half way along when someone decided he was coming through.    I had nowhere to go,
Earlsferry beach.
because of cars behind me.   In the end the bloke that came through had to reverse, and I got out by way of Admiralty Lane.  

When I got back to Ivy I went down to the beach, to get a few more summer photos.... and have a seat in the sunshine.    The beach was busy .... and the seat empty;  both assignments were fully accomplished, with much satisfaction.

Photographs : Top – Elie Pier, Middle – Elie beach, and Bottom – the Ferry beach.

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