Dull and wet ......

31st October 2017 (Tuesday) .... 07.30     As per weather forecast we have a grey sky with rain... but it is warmer.   This is not a day for walking;  that said
Elie Bay at sunset time.. the sun was setting behind me ... behind clouds.
the rain should peter out soon, leaving us with a ‘grey day’ .... and it, the weather, might even brighten up in the afternoon.  

      22.30    This afternoon I made my best Wholemeal scones so far;  the texture is good, and the flavour just right, especially with raspberry jam.    Today I added one of the ‘girls’ eggs to the mix ....I think that is what has made the difference!      Unfortunately I can’t give the ‘girls’ one of ‘their’ scones  .... that, would be cannibalism.

The weather remained dull up until about 14.00, when the sky broke up and we have a few short spells of sunshine.     At the end of the afternoon I went down to the beach, to find it busier than I’d expected at this time of year.    I think Elie and Earlsferry are
Earlsferry beach at sunset ... which event was happening behind the clouds.
eye-catching places whatever the weather;   it’s great that others are coming to enjoy the virtues that our wee villages have in abundance.   

Jim and Jimmy came along for our weekly discussion of, mostly things local... and old.     Brexit and POTUS were never mentioned this evening;   but we did talk about Madeira, where Jim is going for a short break in January.    Apparently the mountain roads can be ... er .... exciting.     I felt quite dizzy at the thought of travelling up on a bus .... which is what Jim and Myra have done.... I still feel dizzy!

We have the Colinsburgh ‘Lite Lunch’ tomorrow ... in the Colinsburgh Town Hall..... at 12.30.    I shall go and feed the ‘girls’ their midday (ish), and main ‘meal’,  then go
Late evening strollers.
straight to Colinsburgh afterwards.    I try to be up there at 08.00 ish for their ‘breakfast’.     This morning I met the farmer, Ian who was feeding the cattle;  I forgot to ask him what the huge wooden shed along at Gordonshall had been used for.

I’m well ready for bed tonight.... I seem to have been doing things all day;  but nothing very strenuous.    

Photographs : Top – Elie Bay, Middle – Earlsferry beach, and Bottom – evening walk.

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