Grey morning .....

2nd May 2017 (Tuesday) ... 08.00     It’s a grey morning, but at least there’s not much of a wind, but what there is coming  from the Northeast;    and I have decided
Early morning 'walkies'.
to go for a haircut!     Actually I have decided to go  to Leven for a haircut, then on to Kirkcaldy for a change of shopping scenery;   I want to visit the bike Dept in Halfords.

19.00     It took the sun until  14.30 to burn off the clouds, and, even then it was cold because the wind got up.    Jimmy came along in the afternoon for a  cuppa;  he’d missed his morning one with my being out.
My trip to Leven, and Kirkcaldy, was enjoyable;   apart from the fact that my neck is cold.    Having said that, I feel tidier having had my haircut.   

The Cockstail rocks.
Chapel Level Retail Park... or... to give it it’s proper name ... Fife Central Retail Park  has had a few changes since I was last there;   with a Marks and Spencer Food Hall, and a Costa Coffee shop now ‘on site’.    I went to Halfords and got the bits and pieces that I wanted, then had a browse round Marks and Spencer, bought two ready meals (Indian)  then resisted the temptation to go into ‘Costa’, choosing instead to drive home to Ivy and have  scrumptious, ..... ‘Hutte Special’.    Wrong decision .... the ‘Hutte Special’ was not exciting.... nor frothy!

Later in the afternoon I went for a walk along the beach;  the beach wasn’t “iggzactly” busy .... a big change from the holiday weekend!    It was pleasant bumbling along the
Our 'protective' sand dunes.
tides edge... and round about the Cockstail rocks.

When I was in M & S  this morning I bought two ‘Chicken Korma’ ready meals;   and had one of them for ‘dinner’ tonight.    It was very flavoursome;  though not as good as‘home made’!     I use ‘ready meals’ now and again.... usually  when I have a ‘flap on’.   I prefer making my own;  it gives me something to ‘do’.

Jim and Jimmy are coming for tea, biccies and conversation this evening;   the conversation is usually ‘things local’ but occasionally we sort out the politicians.

Photographs : Top – early morning dog walking, Middle – the Cockstail rocks, and, Bottom – the lovely sand dunes that protect Earlsferry from being inundated with sand.

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